In 2011, Suzy began sharing her intuitive readings and astrology knowledge with the public. She is a classically trained astrologer, who has studied with world-famous astrologers to establish her methods and practice. Her study and research are centered around ancient and traditional methods used for thousands of years. With an ancient Hellenistic technique and a modern ‘psychological’ approach, she provides a holistic, grounded, and empowering perspective of the natal chart. Suzy is passionate about helping her clients get ‘un-stuck’ in certain areas, and to move towards living a healthy and fulfilling life.

In the summer of 2016, Suzy opened her soulful retail shop in downtown Astoria. Since then, she publishes a monthly ‘New Moon’ astrological newsletter where you can stay up to date on the current transits. She also leads various online workshops throughout the year, such as a tarot foundations class and working with the phases of the moon. Suzy is currently a teacher’s assistant (TA) to Austin Coppock’s astrology foundation classes.

Curious about her chart placements? Suzy is a forward-thinking Aquarian sun, sensitive Cancer rising with a courageous Aries moon.

Suzy is a Certified Tarot Professional, recognized by the Tarot Guild. 


Suzy believes tarot and astrology are amazing tools for gaining clarity and self-empowerment. These divinatory methods, when used properly, allow us to converse with the wisdom of the cosmos. By knowing our fate and acknowledging our free will, we can move through life with more ease and confidence.

In today’s modern world, it is so often a challenge to decipher which path is right for us. Suzy’s mission is to reveal the truth in whatever situation you are in, and offer you tools to gain confidence in whatever decisions you make. Her approach is grounded in ancient astrological wisdom and techniques. By consulting the tarot or the stars, she allows you to see your present situation more clearly and a path to fulfillment.