Astrology Natal Chart Reading


(One of our favorite offerings!)

A deeper understanding of self + purpose.

Through the ancient art of Astrology, we will take an in-depth journey into the spirit. This reading includes an extensive review of your astrological natal chart, otherwise known as your cosmic blueprint. We will cover such topics as karmic influences, uncovering your unique gifts, and psychological traits. This reading is especially powerful for gaining insights into the authentic self and purpose. Through a thoughtful analysis of your birth chart, we unlock your inner potential.

What is included:

This session is 75 minutes and will take place online by Zoom. In-person consultations are also available. You will be sent a printable copy of your astrological birth chart and a digital Zoom recording of our live session. 

PLEASE NOTE: Detailed birth time information is required from a reliable source (ex. 4:47PM).