gemstone astrology remediation

Tending to your Natal Chart with various forms of Remediation


A deeper connection to healing + empowerment.

Astrology remediation is a vast and complex subject. Suzy’s focus is to use specified forms of remediation, custom-tailored to support or empower a particular area of your chart or life. This consultation is great for folks who have a particularly tricky area of their natal chart or who are experiencing an especially challenging transit.

Depending on your unique situation, Suzy will offer specific remedies based on your natal chart, such as gemstones or meditations. This form of remediation offers support as well as the ability to work more deeply with an area of your chart. Working together, Suzy will build on the strengths already present in your astrological self and offer support where needed.

We highly recommend having an in-depth natal chart or future outlook reading with Suzy before receiving a remediation consultation.

What is included:

This session is 75 minutes and will take place online by Zoom. In-person consultations are also available. You will be sent a printable copy of your astrological birth chart and a digital Zoom recording of our live session. 

PLEASE NOTE: Detailed birth time information is required from a reliable source (ex. 4:47PM).