Tarot Reading

$150 (60 minutes)

*Or add a 20-minute tarot reading to any astrology consultation: $38

Guidance from the cards..

Meet with Suzy to receive divine guidance from the tarot. Tarot is an amazingly supportive tool for personal insight and counsel. During your reading, Suzy will channel information to provide answers to your questions and to put you on your best path. Her goal is to support your personal empowerment and alignment with your wisest potential.

Through the assistance of the cards, Suzy will assist you in accessing the wisdom within you and the unseen forces supporting you on your life journey. By using her intuitive gifts and deep knowledge of the tarot, she will be able to give insights into your past, present, and future self. Suzy’s readings are grounded in reality and give clarity to the path of your soul being. Please come with questions and an intention for what knowledge you are seeking.

What is included:

This session is 60 minutes and will take place live by Zoom. In-person consultations are also available.