astrologySuzy Olsen
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By now, you've probably heard about the solar eclipse that will be occurring this Monday. This eclipse will begin just south of where I live, on the Oregon coast, and it will work its way across the whole United States. There is much anticipation as we see the traffic in Oregon increase and we get closer to the date.. but what exactly is going on from an Astrological perspective?

I can tell you, there is a wide variety of interpretation out there. Eclipses like this one are rare, and Astrologers are pretty excited about the possibilities. One thing is for certain though, because we are at the heart of the location of this eclipse, those of us living in the United States are most deeply impacted

The eclipse is of course also a New Moon and occurs at 28 degrees Leo. The last Full Moon we had was a Lunar Eclipse occurring in the opposing sign of Aquarius. The Aquarius opposing Leo energies bring up issues concerning the majority 'people' versus those in power. Aquarius is concerned with human rights and humanitarian efforts, while Leo can be concerned with expressing stronger leadership and exerting power over others. Not to say that Leo is bad, because we need strong leaders in order to move forward in our societies.

Leo is a regal sign and represents those in prominent leadership positions: monarchies, presidents, the Pope etc.. You can probably see where I'm going with this -- our American politics are greatly affected by this eclipse. We can already feel the 'eclipse drama' from the past couple weeks.  It has been dramatic to say the least!

A solar eclipse, especially a total eclipse, is like a major re-boot button. There are often sudden and unexpected changes. Some great and some terrible, but all are necessary for pursuing our individual destinies. Often our feelings and reactions to these situations are exaggerated. I think of the 'Tower' or 'Death' card in Tarot, which signify sometimes abrupt ending and removal of old ways. Keep in mind, these cards are often welcome messages, telling us an old and unfavorable cycle is ending.

Each of us are affected uniquely, depending on where the eclipse occurs in our chart. Please note, this is an especially good time for manifesting what you desire for the next six months and beyond.  Be open for opportunities and be ready to take action. Here is a little clue as to where the eclipse might be affecting you in your life. These short readings are based on astrological transits and intuitive readings. This applies to rising signs, sun signs (and moon signs even). 

  • ARIES:  This is a time to reconnect with love, passion, creativity and what inspires you. Seek out what your heart desires.  This is also an excellent time to connect with children or get in touch your inner playful child. 


  • TAURUS:  There may be some hardships with family relationships. Seek better understanding of past events and engage better communication with family members moving forward. Some clarity will make all the difference and put you back on track. Be prepared for some major 'aha' moments. 


  • GEMINI:  Strength and perseverance is needed now as you tackle obstacles concerning communication or travel. You may be learning a new skill or taking an accreditation course to change things up in your career. Let your curiosity be your guide. 


  • CANCER:  Money and possessions are on your mind. How can you make more money and feel more secure? There are opportunities to earn extra cash on a side hustle or perhaps a raise on a current career path. Realize your self worth and step up your game. 


  • LEO:  This eclipse is all about you dear Leo. BIG changes are coming, and I'm sure you can already feel it. What changes are you hoping to make, and how can you use your leadership skills to get there? There may be dramatic shifts outside of your control, but you can stay dedicated to what matters most. Take some time to get in touch with your truest goals, and this means connecting with your heart.


  • VIRGO:  Your skills, dear Virgo, will be greatly appreciated during this time. You have an ability to nurture and be of service to others like no other. During this time you will also want to be taking care of yourself, by getting plenty of rest and time in solitude. Let go of the worries and problems of others that you cannot control. If you haven't tried meditation, perhaps this is the time. 


  • LIBRA:  What is your role among your peers and friend groups? You are being challenged to take a more active role in your community. Libras like to please, and sometimes they lose their identity within a group in order to 'fit in'. Let your unique talents shine. Don't worry, they will love you just the way you truly are. This is also a great time for taking your internet business or social media marketing to the next level. 


  • SCORPIO:  I see possibilities for an exciting new job or entirely new career path for you Scorpio. Through your leadership and vision, there is the opportunity to start something new and prosperous. Your positive and graceful interaction with others are key to your success.


  • SAGITTARIUS:  You are on the move! Dear to your heart, traveling and experiencing other ways are life are on your agenda. There are opportunities for you to speak up publicly during this time -- about important world type issues. Some of you will likely be headed off to university for the first or second or third time. Keep broadening your mind and sharing your wisdom with others.


  • CAPRICORN:  Dear Capricorn, I see you battling some bad habits or oppressive types of situations. This eclipse will bring opportunities to end these negative cycles that can be so hard to let go of. The bad vibes, once dealt with, will be quickly replaced by compassionate and caring love by an important person in your life. Transformation and intimacy go hand in hand. 


  • AQUARIUS:  A brand new partnership may be in your near future. Whether it's a business partnership, or a domestic partner/marriage type partner, this person will play a key role in your life in the months to come. Be patient. Most likely this person will be making the first move. You have much to give a partnership at this time. 


  • PISCES:  This eclipse is giving you opportunities to be of service to others, and most importantly -- to be a good friend to others in need. I sense you have much wisdom to impart, and you are able to help those who are perhaps suffering the most during these turbulent times. Those with a Pisces heart are not afraid to get their hands dirty, and are willing to give themselves completely. Make sure to take care of yourself first, especially your health, so that you have the energy to be most successful.