
New Moon in Pisces: A Shift in Consciousness

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

On the morning of March 6th at 8:04 PT, the new moon arrives centered in the sign of magical Pisces. The sacred fish is both fluid and free as it moves about the dark sky above. This particular new moon is perhaps the most otherworldly I have yet observed, as it is conjunct the dreamy Neptune in its home of the 12th sign. We are beckoned to the extremes of Pisces at this juncture as we plant the seeds for the next moon cycle.

Pisces is the sign of the mystic and the enchanter. Because it is the last sign of the zodiac, there is a supernatural element to this energy. Pisces is mutable and a water sign, thus the boundaries are unclear or perceived limitless. We may feel a stronger connection to spirit, as well as a heart felt empathy for those in need.

The day before the new moon, mercury stationed retrograde in Pisces. For the next few weeks, we are cloaked in an extra layer of this Pisces aura. We will experience some of the annoyances of any Mercury retrograde cycle assuredly, including miscommunications, travel mishaps and technology glitches. This particular retrograde cycle is playing an important role, however, in setting us up for how events will unfold in the next six months and beyond. 

Mercury retrograde, combined with this new moon in Pisces, is offering us a different perspective on our lives. An inner shift of consciousness is allowed to unfold. You may find that the dreams and visions that you have for your life take a different direction at this time. You may find that your actual dreams are intensely vivid in fact! My advice is to let yourself reflect and dream. Be open to new inspiration and allow yourself to discover a new way of viewing the world around you. 

Because this is Pisces retrograde season, I would also advise not to commit to one particular path until after Mercury stations direct on March 28th. Finding clarity will take time. During the next couple weeks our emotions may be running higher than usual as well. Give yourself time and space for inner contemplation and to be able to process these heightened feelings. If this feels like a difficult time, know that you are not alone. Sharing your thoughts and feeling with someone you trust will be extra helpful during this period.  

The day after this new moon, Uranus makes its final arrival into the sign of earthy Taurus. Though we may be 'slowing down' during this Pisces season, there is simultaneously much constructive momentum pulling us forward. For the past 7 or so years, Uranus has been liberating us in the Aries sector of our lives. We have been strengthened where we feel most independent and inspired in our lives. With Uranus moving into Taurus, we are now being'shaken up' where we are most solidified in our lives. Taurus, being a fixed earth sign, does not always willingly want to be freed from its chains! It will be interesting to see how we all experience this Uranian shift collectively and individually. 

The Pisces season, although it may be confusing at times, is setting us up for success for this grand movement of Uranus into the sign of Taurus. Journeying through waters of Pisces will give us the shift of consciousness we need in order to move forward in the next season with more inner confidence and success. May you find strength and wisdom on your journey.  

Aries New Moon: Unleashing our inner Rebel

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

This evening at 6:57 PT, we welcome the New Moon in Aries. We have reason to feel celebratory about welcoming this new chapter. Over the past 4-6 weeks we have experienced several ups and downs with several challenges in our path. We have worked extremely hard to keep up with the pace. And if you kept up with the fast pace, all the while keeping your health and well being in check, you deserve a little celebration!

Mercury has been retrograde for several weeks and turns direct today, the very day of the New Moon. During these retrograde periods we often re-visit old lessons and experience old challenges in new ways. Mercury retrograde gets a bad reputation, but there is a purpose behind this planet of communication. During retrograde periods we get another chance to get things right and improve ourselves in deeply healing ways. Mercury is actually retrograde in my natal chart, so I tend to think that I have a kind of respect for these necessary periods of retraction. 

Directly after my return from a vacation in Thailand this early March, Mercury began its retrograde cycle. It was a tad difficult coming back to 'real life'with multiple demanding deadlines, and all the while combating jet lag and missing the glorious sunshine. What I've learned over the past few weeks is I don't have to come back to my 'old self'. I need to continue to develop ways of working and living my life that are healthier and more productive. I've tapped into some practices that are allowing me to be more in flow with myself and with my work. This is Mercury providing its medicine. 

The New Moon in Aries marks our true beginning to the Astrological new year, and it sits conjunct Uranus. What does that tell us? What we are beginning now feels fresh, creative and very alive! Uranus is a peculiar planet and does not like to adhere by the rules, which further stokes the fires of rebellious Aries. We may feel a burning fire within us, calling on us to move outside of our usual boundaries. Perhaps outside of the boundaries that society and good manners dictates. One of my favorite archetypes for Aries is in fact 'The Rebel'. 

Saturn, Mars and Pluto are all residing in steady Capricorn, and thus squaring this New Moon energy. This conflict in energies shows that in order to break free and express ourselves authentically, we will perhaps need to upset the status quo.  Most likely there will be an ongoing process in dismantling old ways and behaviors. There is a new and more authentic you working its way through to be made free. 

On this New Moon day, take a moment to reflect on the lessons over the past Mercury Retrograde cycle. See what new tools can serve you in moving forward in this new lunar cycle. And if it serves you, don't be afraid to embrace your inner rebel as you look towards achieving your newest goals. Let the Aries fire inspire you!