
The Aquarius New Moon: Following your unique path.

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

Just a few days ago, we entered Aquarius season and tomorrow is the very first New Moon of 2020. On January 24th at 1:42PM PT, the moon joins the sun at 4 degrees of Aquarius. If you have been thinking of a good day to begin something new, whether it is a new year's resolution or a powerful intention, this new moon is a great time to start. We are finally free from the eclipses, and we can breath a little bit of fresh air! 

This first new moon of 2020 coincides with the Chinese new year, and represents a fresh new chapter for many of us.

As we look forward to what the next year may bring, and the following few years, we can tap into the Aquarius energy for inspiration and insight. At the very beginning of Spring this year, Saturn will visit Aquarius for a few months and give us a glimpse of what the next few years will be all about. Saturn's shift from Capricorn to Aquarius will be major, and wherever Aquarius lives in your own chart will be powerfully activated. 

I've been especially looking forward to this Aquarius new moon because Capricorn season has felt so extra 'heavy' this year. With all the eclipses and Pluto action, there has been a lot of turbulence around the globe. Aquarius is an air sign, which allows us to float above the drama a bit and have a broader perspective. As mythology goes, the sign of Aquarius is referred to as the 'Water Bearer', which is a being that is not quite a human and not quite a god. The 'Water Bearer' was chosen to serve the gods, and is thus unique and separate from the standard 'earthlings'. 

Symbolically, the Water Bearer eternally gives life and spiritual food to the world. 

What I love most about Aquarian folks, is their ability to walk to the beat of their own drum. This Saturn ruled air sign is adept at creating its own rule book to live by. I must admit, I'm an Aquarian sun myself, so of course I'm partial to the sign! If you are wanting to work with the Aquarius energy of the new moon, spend some time considering how you can live a more authentic version of yourself. Give yourself permission to be different. And through your unique vision, how can you make the world a better place?

The New Moon squares Uranus in Taurus, and may bring some unexpected events our way. As we begin the new year, we may feel set on a particular path, but it serves us to remain flexible. If you are experiencing an unexpected curve ball or two, be open to seeing what new opportunities may also be emerging. I would also advise not to make any hasty decisions during this lunar cycle. The sign of Aquarius bodes well with logical thinking and long term planning. 

Venus is nearing a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces at this time. In Pisces, Venus is exalted and able to flow freely in her creative and loving bliss. As Venus gets nearer to Neptune, this becomes a potent drug or lovely antidote to all that ails us. Wherever Pisces lies in your chart is likely to be where your imagination is running wild at this time. As a whole, we will be drawn to ways to tap into our creativity, fantasy and pleasure. Be careful that your vivid imagination doesn't entirely consume you, and ground yourself in the clarity and logic of the Aquarian season.

New Moon in Gemini: the Wisdom of the Twins Awakens

astrologySuzy Olsen1 Comment
Gemini New Moon 2019.jpg

During the early morning of Monday,  June 3rd at 3:02AM PT, the moon will conjoin the sun in the sign of the twins. We are deep within Gemini season, which typically brings plenty of activity our way.  If we are open to this highly active energy, we will find ourselves feeling extra curious and seeking to interact with our surrounding world in interesting new ways. 

You may have noticed that you did not receive a newsletter for the new moon last month. You are not wrong! At the time of the Taurus new moon, I was hosting the Beltane retreat and feeling a need for extra rest. Venus ruled Taurus tells us to 'stop and smell the roses', and that sometimes we must slow down in order to live life to the fullest. Instead of rushing to finish the newsletter, I decided to honor the season and to use the time to better connect with myself and to mother earth. I ate great food and did plenty of laying in the sun surrounded by blooming flowers. Perfect Taurus activities! The Taurus new moon this year was especially auspicious, and I hope you were all able to take some leisure time to enjoy it. 

As you can imagine, the new moon in Gemini has a very different story to tell. As we begin this new lunar cycle, we are asked to be flexible and to remain ever curious. The mutable air energy may be pulling us in several different directions at once. It is up to you to decide what is worthy of your attention. One word: 'prioritize'. 

With a square from Neptune, our original plans may be thwarted or tweaked. Nothing is exactly as it seems, and you may need to do more maneuvering than you are used to. It is OK to have a master plan, but know that plans may need to be adjusted at a moment's notice. Others may be withholding information from you or you may be feeling unsure of yourself or both. Be mindful over the next week and trust that everything will work out in the end as it should.  

The retrograde Jupiter opposes the new moon, and gives us a chance to come back to something grand. We may be revisiting or restarting a beneficial project, partnership or you name it. Regardless, you are probably feeling some excitement and enthusiasm for something new entering your life at this time. Because of the square to Neptune, I would advise having some caution. The grand plans or ideas may not be entirely held in reality at this point, so keep this in mind when moving forward. 

Though our minds may be racing with ideas, we may find that those ideas aren't quite ready to take off. The Jupiter opposition may lift airy Gemini high off the ground, but with nowhere to land. As a result, you may feel your body can't keep up. All the inspiration in the world doesn't necessarily translate to productivity. Give yourself some patience as you move forward, and honor your limitations. 

All in all, this new moon lends itself to a time of great creativity and potential fun. Gemini season connects us with what keeps us young: staying curious, being open to new opportunities, seeking fun, and remaining adaptable to our surroundings. If you think about it, these are truly the qualities of 'youth' ...regardless of your age. The wisdom of Gemini is being able to react and adapt quickly to whatever situation comes your way. 

If difficult feelings do arise in the next couple weeks, consider some Gemini style remedies. Talk about those feelings! Geminis are known for their chatty side, which can be very therapeutic when shared with close friends. If talking doesn't feel right, take some time to do something fun and with movement. Some fun Gemini activities could be roller skating, dancing or going on a road trip. Follow your divine curiosity! 

New Moon in Aries: Paving our unique path.

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

Mercury has been direct for a few days now and it feels as if spring has truly begun. The next new moon occurs on April 5th at 1:50AM PT in the mighty sign of the warrior. Two weeks ago, the equinox occurred with a full moon in Libra and now we welcome the new lunation at the very center of Aries. 

As we plant the proverbial seeds this spring season, we are being asked to show up with courage and bravery. Aries beckons us to embark on a new and exciting journey. We must pave our own path in a unique and authentic manner. What is this new path you may ask? It should be whatever we are feeling most excited about right now. What is lighting you up most? Perhaps we have been putting off starting something new because of all sorts of excuses. During Aries season, however, there is a passion brewing within us. May this fiery passion ignite this new path and give us the courage to finally take the next steps. 

The new moon has a fiery optimistic side to it, as Jupiter in Sagittarius makes a joyous trine. It's as if our enthusiasm is boundless and our creativity has no limits. Depending on where this new moon occurs in your chart, you may be enthusiastically opening up to a new love relationship, a new home, a new child, a new job, learning a new skill or some other exciting new beginning. We should all be taking advantage of this prosperous Jupiter energy, and allow ourselves some time to follow our 'bliss' during the week following the new moon. 

I'm sorry to say, but this time is not all about what brings us joy. At the same time as the new moon, we will also experience a Pluto, South Node and Saturn conjunction in Capricorn making a hard square to the lunation. I've spoken about all the Capricorn activity before, and now we get to experience the rare occurrence of these planets finally meeting the karmic south node.

First of all, this may feel a bit uncomfortable for many of you. It may feel very uncomfortable, in fact, depending on how it occurs in your own personal chart. For example, some of us born around 1982 will have this Capricorn flurry meeting their natal south node. Hey that's me! This time will be extra potent for releasing old karmic cycles. In general, for all of us, we will be going through a period of transformation of some kind. The universe is asking us to release what is no longer working for us. To let go of what is keeping us from paving our new path to our more authentic selves. 

Pluto shows us what must be sacrificed and released for our well being. The south node confronts us with a certain truth from our karmic past, and a pattern that must be broken. Saturn, the wise one, teaches us that we are stronger than we know. We must accept the necessary changes in order for us to continue to grow and be prosperous long term. 

In summary, we are being asked to release the old in order to usher in the new blessings into our lives. The Aries new moon may give us the courage to make a difficult decision or to view this time as a creative opportunity. We will be experiencing the impact of these occurrences for a long time to come, and the positive steps we take now will make a difference. So make sure to take advantage of any positive momentum during the week following the new moon, and begin paving your unique path!

Spirit + Home,


New Moon in Libra: A Beacon of Hope

astrologySuzy Olsen
Artwork by: Cosmik Dust

Artwork by: Cosmik Dust

Yesterday evening, at 8:47 PT, the moon joined the sun in the sign of the scales. We are now at the heart of Libra, and experiencing the beauty of autumn and harvest season. Libra is all about our relationships, beauty, harmony and balance. We may assume this new moon is about how we bring 'balance' into our lives, but I see a much more nuanced message here. 

The moon is in difficult aspect to Pluto, making a square to this slow moving planet in Capricorn. This tells me we are experiencing the beginning of some BIG changes in our society, but these changes will take time and effort to reach fruition. It can take more than 12 years for Pluto to transit one sign, and thus we may not see the huge results for another decade. Still... our small efforts put forward now will be mirrored by the collective, and positive societal shifts are eventually possible. At this moment we are able to see with more clarity where imbalance and unfairness still exists in our communities, our governments, and the structures that have beenlong standing. With this clarity, comes some distress, but also hope that change is possible. The scales of Libra yearn for justice. 

Our biggest challenge is perhaps being able to face these current challenges with continued optimism and with hope. We do have some assistance from another air sign Aquarius. The new moon is in positive aspect to Mars in Aquarius. We are motivated to put our thoughts and actions out into the world, and in an authentic and powerful way. 

Libra is ruled by Venus, so we have much more to add to this story. On October 5th, Venus stationed retrograde in the sign of Scorpio. She is traveling in the shadows now, and this may feel a bit uncomfortable. This Venus transit will last till November 16th. During this time, we may be struggling with some internalized emotions. Feelings of jealousy, obsession, power struggles or betrayal may be coming up for us now. We may even have a secret that becomes all consuming. 

During this Venus retrograde time, it is helpful to make this energy constructive somehow. What truths are our emotions telling us? Bottling up these feelings would be harmful, but being overly reactive would not be helpful either. Think of ways to process any difficult emotions in a constructive manner, whether through journaling, therapy or your art. This has the potential for a powerfully creative time. 

Venus in Scorpio, in an empowering sense, makes me think of the High Priestess in tarot. The wise female sage of the tarot. This energy is inward but powerful. Dark and mysterious. The High Priestess exerts her feminine power only when necessary, and her words and actions are thoroughly planned. She is willing to peer into the darkness and face her fears, knowing this is the only way to positive transformation. As we approach Halloween, Venus seems to be going full witch!

In an aesthetic sense, because Venus rules beauty and design, we may find ourselves drawn to darker colors. We may find beauty in what is normally scary or unnerving. I like to think Venus in Scorpio is the perfect time to connect with our inner 'Goth'. It's time to plan an extra extravagant costume and go deep with this Scorpio mood. 

Here is a mantra to welcome this new moon in Libra and for manifestation. If these words resonate with you, you are welcome to use them in your own ritual:

I welcome beauty, harmony and love into my life. 
I am a loyal friend and I cherish my friendships.
I welcome exciting new opportunities and adventures. 
I feel love deeply and I express my love authentically.
I can overcome any challenges with ease and wisdom.
I do not need to strive for perfection and I embrace all sides of myself.

New Moon in Virgo: an Earth portal awakens..

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Photo/Artwork by: JINGNA ZHANG

Photo/Artwork by: JINGNA ZHANG

This Sunday, the sun and the moon join once again, in the sign of the Earth Goddess. The new moon in Virgo occurs precisely at 11:01AM (PT), and there is much to say about the beginning of this new lunar cycle.

Virgo shows us the importance of connecting with the earthly realm: our bodies, the mother earth and our physical spaces. This goddess teaches us the vitality of organizing our lives, living healthy and clean, not shying away from our responsibilities, and being of service to ourselves and others. On this new moon, may we perform great healing in the earthly realm of our lives. 

The new moon trines Pluto, motivating us to transform our lives in powerful ways. We may be able to better recognize our negative habits and release them with passion and conviction. If you are thinking about starting a healthier diet, a new exercise routine, quitting smoking, or beginning a healthier lifestyle of any kind -- this is an excellent time. You will find more willpower than usual to bring about positive changes.  

Neptune is in direct opposition to the new moon, which gives us a clue as to how we should best harness the magic of this time. In order to access our intuition and powers of manifestation, we should make time for quiet reflection or meditation type practices. There is a need to quiet the mind to truly receive the inspiration and needed clarity in how to move forward with this Virgo energy.

With the moon sextiling Jupiter as well, there is a great opportunity for creativity and exciting new opportunities to expand our horizons. 

A grand earth trine appears at the time of the new moon as well. This grand trine acts as a magical portal, allowing us to manifest our dreams into physical reality.  Mercury in Virgo gives us the ability to pay attention to necessary details. Saturn in Capricorn gives us the discipline to do the work and be patient with the outcomes. Then finally, Uranus in Taurus is allowing us to break free from our old and tired routines with brand new opportunities. With this mighty trio, we are able to make great and lasting changes in our lives. We feel ready for new and exciting challenges.

There may be opportunities for us to take risks at this time, in order to achieve long term rewards. We could be looking at opportunities for investments, changing jobs, remodeling a home, growing our family, or looking to start a new business. Now is the time to look at what structures we have outgrown, and where can we re-direct those energies. How can we build a new foundation that is more fitting of who we have become?

On the very day of the New Moon, Venus enters the water sign of Scorpio. We may find that our passions are heightened, and we desire our relationships to go deeper. There is a sensual nature to Scorpio, where we can't help but 'feel' the intensity of our longings. Venus is joining Jupiter, making the next month or so an extra fertile time for love and creativity. 

If you have been feeling hyper critical of yourself in the past couple weeks, you are not alone. There has been a mounting pressure of 'internal doubt' making us perhaps ask why we have not achieved certain goals yet or accomplished a certain level of status. As Saturn moves forward in Capricorn, we should feel more productive -- despite what challenges surface along our path. May this new moon re-inspire us to to connect with our goals in a more productive way and to live our lives with purpose and in good health.

Take a moment to tap into this grand earth magic and manifest some dreams. 




New Moon Eclipse in Leo: Living through the heart.

Suzy OlsenComment
the sun.jpg

Artwork from the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck.

Late last evening evening, or early this morning, (Pacific Time) we welcome the new moon in the sign of mighty Leo. And yet again, we have another solar eclipse in the sign of the regal the lion. 

This is the last Leo solar eclipse we will see until the year 2027. So what does this particular solar eclipse mean for us now? We can look for clues if we look back at what was occurring on the last Leo solar eclipse, which occurred August 21st of last year. This was the 'Great American Eclipse', as it was visible in much of the United States. 

Think back to what events were taking place in your life at that time. Were there any surprises? Big shifts? At this time, events may mirror what we were experiencing last August. We may be concluding a 'story' that began at that time. Or perhaps we have some unfinished business to attend to. 

As with any new moon, we look to fresh new beginnings and what we are hoping to manifest in our lives. With this particular new moon, the energy is a bit unusual in that we have six planets retrograde. When Mercury and other planets are in a retrograde motion, it is often not a good time for starting something new. So what can we do?

I think this is an excellent time to both reflect on the past and simultaneously dream about our futures. All the while, pay attention to subtle queues from the universe. Eclipses are often bringing events, people and circumstances into our lives outside of our control. Thus, we must remain somewhat flexible in our planning. We can certainly dream, but know that the universe will want to have a say in your plans. Pay attention to the messages and be open to a path that is truer and better than you can imagine on your own. 

The New Moon is opposing a retrograde Mars and squaring a retrograde Uranus. Thus, our plans may not go as smoothly as we would like at this time. We are offered a few obstacles to either test us or to put us on a better path. A word that comes to mind is patience as we move forward with any new plans. 

One planet that seems to be offering divine help at this time is Venus, whom recently entered her home sign of Libra. Venus LOVES Libra, so this is a lovely energy all around. She is sextiling this New Moon, offering loving assistance. We may find that our closest partners, lovers and friends are able to help us to cultivate our visions at this time. Relationships seem to be especially important all around in helping us to overcome obstacles and to give us strength. 

Venus in Libra may also be allowing us to find balance within our being. Leo represents the Sun, our sense of self, and our ego. On the bright side of Leo we celebrate our unique self expression, our leadership skills, and our sense of play. The shadow side of Leo gets lost in the ego, and can be burdened by the need of constant adoration or recognition. I believe one of the lessons we are all learning right now is how to balance the ego and the spirit. 

Leo also represents the heart. Our passion for life would not exist if it were not for our meaningful relationships, and Leo knows this. The union of our hearts with our families, our loved ones, and our communities is where we can find true joy during the Leo season. 

In case you are wondering, Mercury will turn direct on the 19th, along with Mars later in the month. Our plans will be put into action much more easily at that time, and communication should be much better all around! 


Happy New Moon!

GEMINI NEW MOON: The Twin Flames Tell a Story

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Artwork by Trungles.

Artwork by Trungles.

Tomorrow, at 12:43pm, we welcome the Gemini New Moon. This relatively quiet moon, in the sign of the twins, has a story to tell us. Gemini is ever curious and yearning to learn more, do more and be entertained along the way. When this mercurial energy is overly stifled or contained, we feel anxious and bored with life. The flame within us begins to lose it's vibrancy, or it engulfs us in its yearning. 

The sign of Gemini is known for having its two extreme sides. There is duality here, like two sides of a coin or Yin Yang. Highly mercurial in nature, Gemini energy quickly goes from over-thinking and heavy moodiness to bright, cheerful and life of the party!  This New Moon may have each of us examiningwhere we feel these mood swings in our life, and perhaps where we are looking to shed our 'shadow' selves in order brighten our inner flame. 

Gemini's ruler is Mercury, which recently entered the sign of Cancer. The'storyteller' is perhaps my favorite archetype for the sign of Gemini. Through the lens of Cancer, the story we are now telling is one of nurturing, kindness and healing. We can each communicate with a little more clarity and ask for support where it is needed. 

Whatever is making us feel anxious now can be used to fuel this new lunar cycle in an inspiring and uplifting way. It much depends on the story we are telling ourselves and others along the way. As we embrace our 'brighter' and 'lighter' selves, we open ourselves up to being curious and our creativity flows. Let this Gemini moon be a catalyst to inspire you to learn something new or tell your personal story in a new way. 

Here are some short intuitive/horoscope readings for the New Moon in Gemini. For most accurate readings, start by reading your ascendant sign, then you can follow with your Sun and Moon for further information. If you are unsure of your ascendant sign, you can contact me for assistance.

You may be feeling extra sensitive at this time, and confused on what path to take. It is important that you allow these feeling to be processed. Writing and journaling  would be an excellent activity over the next few days. Don't hesitate to reach out to your loved ones to talk about any heavy emotions that may be coming up for you. 

Your work may be feeling less fulfilling these days, or perhaps you don't feel recognized for efforts. It may be time for a change! What could give you more of a sense of purpose? You may be setting your sights on learning some new skills.

Big things are on the horizon for you dear Gemini. What you are starting now will have a big effect on the upcoming year. The first changes start from within. You may need to adjust your outlook on the future somehow. What is burning within you?

Your powers of intuition are strong with this new moon. Pay attention to all the psychic downloads you are receiving.  This information should be offering you much clarity on a particular situation. Give yourself plenty of alone time, as you seem to be yearning for that especially right now. Follow your bliss.

You are standing strong like the lion you are. Whatever challenges are coming up for you now, you have what it takes to endure with grace. You may be reassessing some longer term goals at this time. Reconnect with your long term goals and focus on the bigger picture. Have patience and know that good things come with time. 

You may be starting a new job or making a career shift. You will feel acknowledged for your talents somehow. Look at ways you can bring a little more fun into your career and focus on your creative strengths.

This is a very interesting New Moon for you, as your belief systems are changing. Through your own personal spiritual evolution, you are able to see the world differently than previously. You may be questioning the status quo, old ways of living, or those in authority. 

There may be disturbances within your family or joint resources that require your attention. You are being asked to reconnect with family and to lead the way to a more prosperous future. You can use your excellent intuition about finances in order to invest wisely. This is a time for renewal and regeneration for you and your loved ones. 

You may be releasing a toxic relationship or partnership from your life at this time. You will feel the weight lift and feel a renewed sense of harmony in your life. Embrace those relationships in your life that lift you up. 

There is a greater focus on your daily routines at this time, including your health and your work. Your goals appear very results oriented and strict in nature. Be careful of becoming overly self critical or rigid in your pursuits. Allow yourself to make mistakes and see the humor in life. No one is perfect. Make some room for spontaneous indulgence or fun, and this will keep your spirits high. 

Hold tight dear Aquarius. There may be some delays on creative projects or fun pursuits at this time. Know that what you are envisioning now, will come to be with time. Take advantage of whatever down time is available now. Hold onto your inner vision but allow yourself to relax. Next month is going to be full speed ahead!

You are experiencing a new found stability at home and with family. Summer looks to be a time of joy for you and your family. If you have been thinking of upgrading your home with a major remodel or a new house, this is an excellent time to start. Take the lead and pursuit the vision for your ideal home.