
New Moon in Sagittarius: Dare to dream big.

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Artwork by Renee Staeck

Artwork by Renee Staeck

Tomorrow, the moon joins the sun at 11:20pm PT in the exact center of fiery Sagittarius. What I find most interesting about this new lunar phase is we are learning about how Jupiter in Sagittarius will be influencing our lives over the coming year. As I stated in the previous newsletter, Jupiter entered its home sign of the mighty 'archer' last month. Jupiter in Sagittarius is an exciting transit for working with manifestation, as Jupiter will be more optimal for granting us gifts and blessings this year. 

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. The mighty archer gives us a feeling of inspiration and will power to go after our dreams. We discover what it is that we desire and we take aim. We may not always hit the mark, so we adjust and take aim again. This mutable energy lends itself towards having a 'flexible' attitude. We may need to adapt to our ever changing conditions and surroundings as we travel over the next few months.

Mercury has been retrograde for the past few weeks. On the very same day as the new moon, Mercury stations direct at 27 degrees Scorpio. Whew! This is probably a welcome shift for many. If you have been frustrated by travel delays, technical glitches or communication mishaps, you should soon be feeling some relief. The actual day of the new moon may be tricky as Mercury stations, but we will experience smoother sailing in the next few days.

Since the beginning of the month, Mars has been squaring the sun. I sense that many people have been pushing themselves hard this past week in order to complete a task, deadline or goal of some kind. With this extra 'push', we may be feeling extra irritated. There is a tension building as we approach the new moon. We are probably feeling extra motivated (or pressured by others) to keep up this strenuous pace, but this does not look to be a sustainable method. 

On the day of the new moon, Mars conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. The watery and calming nature of Neptune dissolves the fiery flames of Mars. The tension that has been building is released somehow. At this time we may be feeling more low energy or perhaps even become sick. On a more upbeat note, we may be shown the larger perspective about a situation and feel more empathy. The day of the new moon would be an excellent time to take a break. Allow yourself to slow down enough to catch your breath. 

Many of us battle regular anxiety. Something about this new lunar phase is highlighting how we deal or cope with our anxiety. I'm sensing that whatever anxious feelings come up at this time are acting as an opportunity for discovering our actual selves. This can be a moment for real spiritual growth. Neptune in Pisces activates us towards returning to self care practices or learning new calming techniques. If you have a meditation practice or are interested in meditation, this would be an excellent day to deepen your connection with this practice. Take a moment to breath and reconnect with the self. 

Despite whatever challenges we currently face, Jupiter is connected with this new moon and offering some of its potent magic. What we put forward now will produce impactful and joyous results six months from now at the time of the full moon in Sagittarius. But these gifts won't simply be given to us, we must put in the work. At this time and through the rest of December, we are called to reflect on what we hope to manifest in 2019.

Here are some questions we can ask ourselves to help initiate our goals and dreams: 

  • What projects am I finishing up in 2018?

  • What goals did I reach in 2018? 

  • What is no longer a goal or important to me?

  • What am I still working towards? 

  • What will make me feel more prosperous or abundant?

  • What do I want more of in 2019?

  • What is something brand new I'd like to manifest in 2019?

  • Is there one word that reflects my intention for the new year?

As we approach the winter solstice, we are wrapping up a lot at the end of 2018. This is the darkest part of the year, and much like the energy of a new moon.We are called to go within and dream. This is often one of the busiest times of year, so schedule some down time if you can. Our intuition works best when we give ourselves a little bit of peace and quiet. 

Blessings to you on this new moon and the new year!