
VIRGO NEW MOON: Taking Small Steps Towards Your Big Vision

astrologySuzy Olsen
virgo new moon

The new moon arrives at 4AM Thursday morning in the earthy sign of Virgo. As the moon empties, we are given an opportunity to start fresh in true Virgo style. This is an excellent time to streamline, organize and make small shifts towards improving an area of your life. The sign of Virgo is grounded but is also flexible and adaptable to its environment.

As we move through this Mars retrograde period, and its square to Saturn and Pluto, the pressure is high. We may feel that we are swimming against the tide and not getting the results we anticipated. Or perhaps we simply feel burned out and overwhelmed by life's heavy circumstances. One thing is for sure, however, this is not a time to give up or to take a passive stance. The Mars retrograde period is a time of necessary adjustment and shifting our strategies. 

The Virgo new moon makes a helpful trine to Saturn, allowing us to begin new productive projects. We might feel like our big goals and visions are far out of reach, but in reality there is much we can accomplish.

The trick is to take it one day a time. Make a list of what you can do today and don't over do it.

Fiery Mars may be tempting us to try to go hard and fast, but this is a recipe for burn out at this time. Virgo teaches us to focus on the small and manageable tasks, and to stay flexible when adjustments must be made.

Mercury rules this new moon and is making a square to Jupiter. Though the pressure is on, the enthusiasm is high. As we move through this lunar cycle, we can hold onto our 'grander vision'. Our hopes and dreams to give us inspiration. I can see that many people will be excited to share their vision, especially through messages and texts to their loved ones. We may also feel compelled to bring hope to others who are experiencing a difficult time.

In summary, it is OK to have our big visions as long as we also stay grounded and focused on what we can reasonably do today to reach those dreams. If you begin to feel frustrated because you aren't getting the results you seek, look to where you can adjust and focus on what makes you feel productive. This all sounds so appropriate for the year 2020, doesn't it?

This Virgo new moon is an excellent time to take small steps towards a healthier lifestyle or work routine. You may decide you need to go to bed a little earlier, begin a humble meditation practice, or start eating healthier. Perhaps you are seeking to increase your productivity by limiting social media or news intake.

All these small healthy adjustments will allow you to stay energized and positive during these coming difficult months.

Yes, the next couple months of 2020 don't look any easier than the rest! We have the difficult transits continuing that we've become accustom to, along with the next Mercury retrograde in October and the upcoming U.S. election. During the three weeks leading up to the U.S. election, Mercury will be retrograde. Yes, there will indeed be confusion and mishaps leading up to election day. Not that we need astrology to tell us that! I'll save more discussion on that for next month.

The Virgo new moon is an excellent opportunity to freshen ourselves and begin much needed positive momentum. As we move into the Fall Equinox, take a moment to reflect on what healthy adjustments you can make to your life.

Virgo Full Super Moon: Blessed by the Sacred Goddess

astrologySuzy Olsen

Pisces season starts with a bang with the assistance of the powerful earth goddess: a super full moon in the sign of Virgo. Upon the sun entering the sign of Pisces on February 19th, we have the full moon in Virgo at zero degrees at 7:54AM PT. Virgo is the sign of the dutiful perfectionist and the sacred servant.She inspires within all of us to find sacred purpose in our work, our mission and our calling. The recent Aquarius new moon brought some exciting opportunities or ideas, and now we can begin to see the results in the earthly realm. 

This full moon is especially wonderful because it will be closest to the earth and will be conjunct the magnificent fixed star Regulus.  Regulus, living at zero degrees Virgo, indicates valiant courage and supreme success.  Because it is the moon joining this star, women will be feeling especially successful, ambitious and independent. Wherever zero degrees Virgo occurs in your own personal chart will indicate where honor, wealth and feminine wisdom exists for you. To use this full moon to the best of its capacity, however, our intentions must be pure. With Virgo, success only comes when our desires are of a high vibration and are for the good of all. 

Mars and Uranus make a trine to this full moon, ushering in even more bravado. These two planets may be motivating us or inspiring us to go further than we thought possible. At this time there may be unexpected breakthroughs and moments of genius. Harness this upbeat energy to further communicate an important message or to finally complete a large project.

Enjoy this glorious full moon energy while it lasts, as the tone will be changing a bit in the coming weeks.  As we move into March, our momentum may be slowed by Mercury stationing retrograde in the sign of the fish. Mercury will station on March 5th, and will be in Pisces for a total of two months. For some, this may mean plenty of confusion in communication or travel plans. All in all, however, I'm excited for the opportunity to go deeper with this Piscean energy. This is the perfect time to deepen a spiritual practice and get in touch with our intimate selves. Perhaps we may reach a new height in spiritual understanding, deepen our meditation practice or begin a new area of study in the realm of the occult. This time may also be packed with dreamy creativity, but we must harness our strength in our dedication to bring our Neptunian visions into reality. 

In Pisces, our options are limitless and our dreams are boundless. 


astrologySuzy OlsenComment


Late this Tuesday evening, west coast time, the New Moon will arrive in the sign of the earthly goddess -- Virgo. The themes that come to mind for manifestation during this fertile time include our health, our ability to work without distraction, conquering our to do lists, taking care of our own well being, and being of service to others. Virgo is a 'responsible' sign, and thrives on organization and a sense of accomplishment in our daily lives. This New Moon is highlighting our ability to thrive in our daily mundane activities, and how to be more conscious in our daily rituals.

For anyone who is self employed, it certainly helps to strengthen one's Virgo qualities. If you can't be responsible for your own daily work, who will? But in order to be most effective in our work, Virgo tells us we must find balance between work and play. After a full day of work, we need time to put up our feet and to spend time with our loved ones. There is a balance that must be achieved in order to stay happy, healthy and sane in our daily lives. 

We are still coming off of the intense energies of the Eclipses in August. This New Moon is a continuation of those themes and goals we set last month. We are taking the next practical steps towards achieving our goals and our destiny. Though we are being reminded of all the work that is still ahead of us, she is telling us to also celebrate all the small victories. As you create your 'to do lists' at this time, congratulate yourself for every little task you check off. The Universe is supporting you right now as you take care of business!

The New Moon occurs at 27 degrees Virgo and is square Saturn and opposing Chiron. These are no small matters. Saturn will be presenting an obstacle or two in our paths. A challenge that we can overcome and learn from. Chiron will be highlighting where we still need healing in our lives. Pay attention to what comes up for you emotionally, and shine a light there. This is not a time to ignore difficulties. We are called to face them and work through them with love and compassion.  

We may experience moments of anxiety and nervous tension. Remember to take care of yourself during this time. Virgo rules our health, and if we allow stress to take over -- we may find ourselves stuck in bed with a nasty cold!

Overall, this is an excellent time to clean house and get organized. Venus will be joining the Virgo party, showing us that there is natural beauty all around us. De-clutter your home and workspace and spend some time outdoors to connect with nature. The earth goddess beckons us to get grounded in our bodies and the spaces we occupy. 

Read your New Moon horoscope below to find out how this moon phase affects you more personally. These short readings are based on astrological transits and intuitive readings, and they apply to your rising (or ascendant), sun and moon signs.


  • ARIES:  How do you envision your ideal day? Make a plan for how you organize your day, including work, down time and fun activities. You are being challenged to find enjoyment in the work that you do, and having a clear plan of how to make that happen is the key to success. 


  • TAURUS:  Dear Taurus, you look to be starting a new creative project of some kind. This is something to be really excited about! Expect doors to open and fresh new beginnings. You are also especially fertile at this time, so this makes an excellent time for conceiving if this is a goal for you. 


  • GEMINI:  Are you moving to a new city or into a new home? There is lots of movement and new beginnings around family and home for you right now. You may also be going on a trip to visit relatives or beloved ancestors. 


  • CANCER:  This is an excellent time to work on effective communication with coworkers or those in your community. Think about what your role is, and how you can be most effective with your talents. You may be looking take a special course or two. Research and be clear about what you want before you commit to this new area of study.


  • LEO:  There looks to be an opportunity to earn some extra income. You are being called to act quickly, as this opportunity may not stick around. It's time to get serious about your powers of manifestation. 


  • VIRGO:  Dear Virgo, the stars are speaking to you! This is your time to shine by using your talents in being of service to others. Step up your game and realize your greatest potential. 


  • LIBRA:  You are preparing for your next big move. Until then, find joy and grace with where you are currently. You are being called to go within. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition at this time. They will be giving you hints for what is to come. 


  • SCORPIO:  Have you been distracted lately from pursuing your dreams? I see this New Moon as a reminder to be brave and remain focused on your pursuits. As you conquer your obstacles, you may be disrupting the collective somehow. But you keep doing you! 


  • SAGITTARIUS:  The doors keep opening for you when it comes to career and your place in the world. People are noticing you, dear Sagittarius. You are able to hold a certain grace and confidence now, and people want to listen to what you have to say. 


  • CAPRICORN:  Your faith is somehow being challenged now. You may be questioning your spiritual foundation or that of others. Or it could be that you are facing challenges with foreign affairs of some kind. Go within and set your personal priorities. Find faith in yourself.


  • AQUARIUS:  Dear Aquarius, what parts of your life are you saying goodbye to? Before a fresh new chapter can emerge, you must first clear up some emotional matters. This is a deeply transformational time for you. Give yourself the nurturing and healing you need. 


  • PISCES:  Have you been disappointed in your partner lately? Whether it's your romantic or business partner, I see a change of course. Let go of previous expectations and see how you can be most effective working a bit more on your own. Think about what your personal goals are, and how you can get yourself there.