Cancer New Moon Tomorrow

Suzy Olsen

The new moon arrives tomorrow at 11:31AM PT. A new lunar cycle begins in the sign of Cancer, which is the home of the moon itself. Every year, this Cancer lunation offers an opportunity to hear our intuition more clearly and to get in touch with something vital to our well-being. The sign of Cancer, and the Moon, often brings us home to our bodies, our loved ones, and our support systems. Cancer is a sign that strives to protect what is most cherished and to offer healing where it is most needed. 


Over this lunar cycle, we will be addressing and bringing some closure to a very long Pluto transit. This past mid-June, Pluto re-entered Capricorn after spending a short while in the sign of forward-thinking Aquarius. For the next 6 months, Pluto has more work to do in Capricorn and to bring closure to a 15-year Pluto transit. 


We are now transitioning between two mini-eras of time. 


Since 2008, we have been experiencing the Pluto in Capricorn transit. Why is this important to reflect on now? The Cancer new Moon is moving into a direct opposition with Pluto while sextiling a revolutionary Uranus. In other words, we have an opportunity to break some very old, worn-out cycles and to plant the seeds for future healing. 


In my opinion, this phase of Pluto in Capricorn is highlighting the old traditions and structures that no longer serve us. Tradition is not bad in itself; it can be greatly supportive. When tradition becomes oppressive, however, it is no longer supportive. Oppression instills fear and stuckness. As I look at the astrology of this moment, I see us facing our fears or addressing something that has been deeply hidden. We are enabled to finally get to the bottom of something. The Cancer moon cycle calls on us to bring healing to old wounds so that we can be ready to move into whatever phase is next with more wholeness. 


How can we commit to nourishing ourselves in the ways we need most over the coming weeks?


Uranus brings a fresh perspective to old problems. I can foresee us getting creative with how we bring more support and healing into our lives. In the sign of earthy Taurus, Uranus may bring creativity to our cooking and our relationships with nature. Our intuition may speak more clearly, as we have a revelation or two on how to move forward with challenges. If you are feeling unease around a certain situation, I would suggest paying attention. It may be necessary to address some unfinished business before you can continue forward with confidence. Consider what support systems you have, and how you can bring more security to yourself. 


We are ready to address something difficult now so that we may be in a more successful position in the future. 


On a more global level, I can’t help but think of the many writers and actors on strike now. These groups are coming together to fight a powerful system in Hollywood, and the old ways are being challenged in order to support folks making a living wage. The unions are working to protect the system's most vulnerable, a very Cancerian position. 



Meanwhile, we have Venus about to station retrograde on the 22nd. Venus is in Leo until early October and will be retrograde until September 4th. It’s no doubt that the Hollywood strikes will be deeply connected to this transit as well, as relationships and contracts are renegotiated for these artists. 


Venus retrograde cycles are when we make important adjustments to relationships, partnerships, aesthetics, creativity, and what brings us pleasure. 


On the new moon, Venus is exactly conjunct the Lot of Eros, which further emphasizes the importance of pleasure during this lunar and Venus retrograde cycle. We may contemplate what most authentically brings delight and what feeds our mojo. In the sign of Leo, Venus may have us revisiting these Venusian topics and how our ego or identity are connected to them. For some, this may mean adjusting their wardrobe, and for others, it will be more deeply impactful. 


The 40 days of retrograde will likely have some sparks flying and some bumpy moments. As Venus squares Uranus and then Jupiter, there is a grappling for freedom, change, and eventual expansion. I’m expecting a lot of positive progress as a result of this transit, with plenty of drama along the way! 


If you are curious how this Venus retrograde cycle may be showing up for you on a more personal level, I would suggest contemplating anything new that came up during the summer of 2015. You can also look at what house Leo rules in your chart, as well as what house Taurus rules. These houses will show where the changes and expansion are likely happening in your life. During these next couple of months, you might consider how you can shake things up a bit and approach these areas of life differently. 


Also, as usual, you can make an appointment with me to go even deeper into personal insights. 


I’ve highlighted the houses of interest here by your rising or ascendant sign:


ARIES RISING: 2nd House Taurus / 5th House Leo


TAURUS RISING: 1st House Taurus / 4th House Leo


GEMINI RISING: 12th House Taurus / 3rd House Leo


CANCER RISING: 11th House Taurus / 2nd House Leo


LEO RISING: 10th House Taurus / 1st House Leo


VIRGO RISING: 9th House Taurus / 12th House Leo


LIBRA RISING: 8th House Taurus / 11th House Leo


SCORPIO RISING: 7th House Taurus / 10th House Leo


SAGITTARIUS RISING: 6th House Taurus / 9th House Leo


CAPRICORN RISING: 5th House Taurus / 8th House Leo


AQUARIUS RISING: 4th House Taurus / 7th House Leo


PISCES RISING: 3rd House Taurus / 6th House Leo


Happy Cancer New Moon!


