

Libra New Moon

astrologySuzy Olsen
libra new moon 2021.jpg

Here is recap from our new moon newsletter sent out on October 5th…

Tomorrow morning, at 4:05AM PT, the moon is reborn in the sign of the scales. The winds of the Libra new moon begin to fill our sails and move us forward through the spooky waters of October. After much slowness and stagnation, we finally have momentum propelling us towards new territories. Four planets are turning direct this month, including Pluto on the day of the new moon.

Mercury is still retrograde until the 18th, but is making some big moves. During these next couple weeks, we may be busy investigating, searching or waiting for important results. Mark October 9th as an important turning point towards clarity. Our minds may be in overdrive and a tad agitated as Mercury joins Mars, however, so make sure to set aside time for meditation or other mindfulness practices.

The new moon occurs alongside Mars, and plants the seed of our conflicts, passions and negotiations to come.

We may find ourselves speaking our minds more than usual, but with a congenial silver tongue. In the sign of Libra, we may feel hindered to fight for our personal needs as we strive to accommodate others. A hidden irritation or resentment may result if we compromise too much. If we find ourselves attempting to please everyone in a particular situation, our progress is made slow and unsatisfying.

All four planets in Libra are now squaring a forward moving Pluto in Capricorn. Whatever we are beginning on this new moon is unearthing and intensifying some powerful tension. We are no longer satisfied with the status quo and we want to dig deeper. A hidden secret may be revealed as we look beyond the veil. As we go deep into the underworld, a load of stress may prompt us to seek the comforts of balance and resolution. Some conflicts, however, are unavoidable. Sometimes we must fight for the peace and harmony we seek.

Over this next lunar cycle, we are flexing our negotiation muscles and using our skills of persuasion.

We are striving towards the Libra vision to create more beauty, harmony, pleasure, and justice.

Our efforts may not be realized right away, but can expect to see progress in the coming weeks. Jupiter will be sending us good news, wise counsel, and support.

Saturn stations direct on the 10th, and is soon followed by Jupiter on the 17th. This powerful combo reignites the Aquarius side of our lives. We will feel a renewed support and forward momentum in this particular area of our charts. I've highlighted below where the action is likely to occur for each sign.

Reference your rising (ascendant) sign for most accuracy.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of relationships, partnership and marriage. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your close relationships, is coming from friends, colleagues and groups you associate with. You will find a positive forward momentum in your long terms goals and your community.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of your work, health, daily practices and challenges. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your work and health, is coming from your career or a boss figure. You will find a positive forward momentum in your established career and your recognized talents.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of pleasure and creativity. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your pleasure seeking, is coming from your spiritual beliefs, teachers or connections to foreign places. You will find a positive forward momentum in your spiritual practices, travel plans, or education.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of home and family. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your home life and family relationships, is coming from your investments, shared resources or a gift. You will find a positive forward momentum in your partner's finances, an inheritance or perhaps a loan.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of your neighborhood, your siblings or the way you communicate. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your neighbor relationships and communications, is coming from your close partner or spouse. You will find a positive forward momentum in your close relationships or marriage.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of your income and possessions. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your income and values, is coming from your hard work and dedication to your health. You will find a positive forward momentum in your daily routines and well being practices.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of YOU -- including your identity and health. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid in your personal desires, is coming from your creativity and dedication to fun. You will find a positive forward momentum in your relationships to children and creative projects.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of solitude and unconscious self. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your mental well being, is coming from your family and home. You will find a positive forward momentum in your relationships to family and your home foundation.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of friends and community. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your friendships and long term goals, is coming from your sibling(s) or perhaps a class. You will find a positive forward momentum in your communication or daily routines.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of your career and aspirations. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your career direction, is coming from your earned income and values. You will find a positive forward momentum in your finances.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of your beliefs, education, and travel. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your beliefs and higher knowledge, is coming from your ability to be seen in the world. You will find a positive forward momentum in your leadership and health.

The new moon is supplying new energy in the area of your debts, inheritance and shared resources. This new energy may come in the form of tensions, conflicts, resolutions, negotiations and passions. A renewed support, which will aid your debts and investments, is coming from your ability to retreat and renew yourself. You will find a positive forward momentum in your mental health and self care.

As always, I'm wishing you all the many blessings for this new moon.

New Moon in Libra: A Beacon of Hope

astrologySuzy Olsen
Artwork by: Cosmik Dust

Artwork by: Cosmik Dust

Yesterday evening, at 8:47 PT, the moon joined the sun in the sign of the scales. We are now at the heart of Libra, and experiencing the beauty of autumn and harvest season. Libra is all about our relationships, beauty, harmony and balance. We may assume this new moon is about how we bring 'balance' into our lives, but I see a much more nuanced message here. 

The moon is in difficult aspect to Pluto, making a square to this slow moving planet in Capricorn. This tells me we are experiencing the beginning of some BIG changes in our society, but these changes will take time and effort to reach fruition. It can take more than 12 years for Pluto to transit one sign, and thus we may not see the huge results for another decade. Still... our small efforts put forward now will be mirrored by the collective, and positive societal shifts are eventually possible. At this moment we are able to see with more clarity where imbalance and unfairness still exists in our communities, our governments, and the structures that have beenlong standing. With this clarity, comes some distress, but also hope that change is possible. The scales of Libra yearn for justice. 

Our biggest challenge is perhaps being able to face these current challenges with continued optimism and with hope. We do have some assistance from another air sign Aquarius. The new moon is in positive aspect to Mars in Aquarius. We are motivated to put our thoughts and actions out into the world, and in an authentic and powerful way. 

Libra is ruled by Venus, so we have much more to add to this story. On October 5th, Venus stationed retrograde in the sign of Scorpio. She is traveling in the shadows now, and this may feel a bit uncomfortable. This Venus transit will last till November 16th. During this time, we may be struggling with some internalized emotions. Feelings of jealousy, obsession, power struggles or betrayal may be coming up for us now. We may even have a secret that becomes all consuming. 

During this Venus retrograde time, it is helpful to make this energy constructive somehow. What truths are our emotions telling us? Bottling up these feelings would be harmful, but being overly reactive would not be helpful either. Think of ways to process any difficult emotions in a constructive manner, whether through journaling, therapy or your art. This has the potential for a powerfully creative time. 

Venus in Scorpio, in an empowering sense, makes me think of the High Priestess in tarot. The wise female sage of the tarot. This energy is inward but powerful. Dark and mysterious. The High Priestess exerts her feminine power only when necessary, and her words and actions are thoroughly planned. She is willing to peer into the darkness and face her fears, knowing this is the only way to positive transformation. As we approach Halloween, Venus seems to be going full witch!

In an aesthetic sense, because Venus rules beauty and design, we may find ourselves drawn to darker colors. We may find beauty in what is normally scary or unnerving. I like to think Venus in Scorpio is the perfect time to connect with our inner 'Goth'. It's time to plan an extra extravagant costume and go deep with this Scorpio mood. 

Here is a mantra to welcome this new moon in Libra and for manifestation. If these words resonate with you, you are welcome to use them in your own ritual:

I welcome beauty, harmony and love into my life. 
I am a loyal friend and I cherish my friendships.
I welcome exciting new opportunities and adventures. 
I feel love deeply and I express my love authentically.
I can overcome any challenges with ease and wisdom.
I do not need to strive for perfection and I embrace all sides of myself.