
Aries New Moon: Unleashing our inner Rebel

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

This evening at 6:57 PT, we welcome the New Moon in Aries. We have reason to feel celebratory about welcoming this new chapter. Over the past 4-6 weeks we have experienced several ups and downs with several challenges in our path. We have worked extremely hard to keep up with the pace. And if you kept up with the fast pace, all the while keeping your health and well being in check, you deserve a little celebration!

Mercury has been retrograde for several weeks and turns direct today, the very day of the New Moon. During these retrograde periods we often re-visit old lessons and experience old challenges in new ways. Mercury retrograde gets a bad reputation, but there is a purpose behind this planet of communication. During retrograde periods we get another chance to get things right and improve ourselves in deeply healing ways. Mercury is actually retrograde in my natal chart, so I tend to think that I have a kind of respect for these necessary periods of retraction. 

Directly after my return from a vacation in Thailand this early March, Mercury began its retrograde cycle. It was a tad difficult coming back to 'real life'with multiple demanding deadlines, and all the while combating jet lag and missing the glorious sunshine. What I've learned over the past few weeks is I don't have to come back to my 'old self'. I need to continue to develop ways of working and living my life that are healthier and more productive. I've tapped into some practices that are allowing me to be more in flow with myself and with my work. This is Mercury providing its medicine. 

The New Moon in Aries marks our true beginning to the Astrological new year, and it sits conjunct Uranus. What does that tell us? What we are beginning now feels fresh, creative and very alive! Uranus is a peculiar planet and does not like to adhere by the rules, which further stokes the fires of rebellious Aries. We may feel a burning fire within us, calling on us to move outside of our usual boundaries. Perhaps outside of the boundaries that society and good manners dictates. One of my favorite archetypes for Aries is in fact 'The Rebel'. 

Saturn, Mars and Pluto are all residing in steady Capricorn, and thus squaring this New Moon energy. This conflict in energies shows that in order to break free and express ourselves authentically, we will perhaps need to upset the status quo.  Most likely there will be an ongoing process in dismantling old ways and behaviors. There is a new and more authentic you working its way through to be made free. 

On this New Moon day, take a moment to reflect on the lessons over the past Mercury Retrograde cycle. See what new tools can serve you in moving forward in this new lunar cycle. And if it serves you, don't be afraid to embrace your inner rebel as you look towards achieving your newest goals. Let the Aries fire inspire you! 



New Moon in Pisces: A time for healing.

astrologySuzy Olsen1 Comment

Early this morning the New Moon occurred in the late degrees of watery Pisces. This New Moon is especially potent with healing energy as it conjuncts 'the healer' Chiron and embodies the sensitive and supportive qualities of Pisces. This weekend we are given a chance to fully embrace the Pisces season before we move into Spring and Aries season. I've found myself feeling especially reflective on my own spirituality at this time. Pisces allows us to re-connect with our inner selves, our unconscious selves, and to feel a deeper connection to the energies that are beyond our 'material' realm. 

Expansive Jupiter is trining the New Moon, which may be giving you some special opportunities and abundance at this time. Depending on where the moon and Jupiter are in your chart, may indicate where these opportunities show up for you. As with any New Moon, this is the time to dream about what you'd like to manifest into existence. With a Pisces New Moon trining Jupiter, we are encouraged to really dream big. Start with the big dream, then think about the next steps you can take to reach that goal... no matter how distant that goal may be. 

About a week ago, I returned from a two week trip to Thailand. The photo above is of a Buddhist temple I visited in Chiang Mai during the full moon. I thought this image was appropriate in reflecting the nature of this Pisces time. Enjoy these last days of Pisces energy, before we fully move into fiery Aries. The last couple weeks of March look jam packed with activity!

If you are curious about learning about your own Astrological chart, you are very welcome to reach out to me for a consultation. 

Happy new moon and many blessings to you for the upcoming Vernal Equinox.

New Moon in Aquarius + Eclipse

astrologySuzy Olsen
Some new moon ritual inspiration...

Some new moon ritual inspiration...


During the late afternoon or evening yesterday, many of us 'experienced' the New Moon in Aquarius at 27 degrees. This New Moon was a partial solar eclipse, thus giving a little different flavor than a regular New Moon. During an eclipse, actual positive ions are released in the air. This is the opposite of those calming negative ions. So you get the idea!

Aquarius is currently where we find the south node, and this eclipse magnifies the need to release or let go of something. I've noticed several cases around me already of people finally exiting situations that no longer serve them or 'losing' a job that they detested. 

The New Moon trines Uranus, who is still hanging around in fiery Aries. We may find a ourselves with a plethora of new ideas, new projects and feelings of sudden inspiration. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and is thus getting a super charge of ideas. Follow these ideas and see where they take you. There may be something dear to your heart that you've always wanted to do, and for some reason or another you keep holding it back. Now be the time to set yourself free somehow in order to realize this dream. 

Mercury will be returning retrograde later next month on March 22nd. If there is indeed a new thing you would like to start, this is an excellent time.Before Mercury goes retrograde. During Mercury retrograde our lives tend to slow down and go more inward. 

And now my plug for Tarot School! If you've been wanting to hone your tarot skills, now is the time. We have just launched our second session of Tarot School. Please see the 'workshop' page for details...

Happy New Moon!

Spirit + Home,



Capricorn New Moon: Getting serious about our passions.

astrologySuzy Olsen

By now, I'm sure you are feeling the power of the Capricorn season. This evening, at 6:17pm Pacific Coast time, the new moon occurs in the sign of tenacious Capricorn. Since the start of the new year, myself and many others have been creating resolutions or intentions for 2018. With the Sun in Capricorn, this is a perfect time to make concrete goals -- and even more so with the energy of the New Moon this evening. 

The sign of the goat, more than any other sign, has ambitious goals and the will to achieve them. Steady the goat goes, climbing the mountain side, one little step at a time. The beauty of Capricorn energy is, it is able to 'see' the achievements that are possible years or decades down the road. And ruled by Saturn, they are happy to work hard and put up with some discomfort in order to achieve their longer term dreams. 

With a total of five other planets in Capricorn, this New Moon is majorly fertile for setting wise intentions for our goals. Whatever intentions you've been thinking about for the New Year, this is the time to start taking serious steps towards putting them in motion. We have all the support of the cosmos to reach higher than we thought possible -- under the sign of the 'Champion'. 

One thing I've noticed over the years about my Capricorn clients or peers is that they take their hobbies and their passions seriously. If you have a passion project or a loved hobby, this may be the time to take it to the next level.Perhaps this side project could become your full time career one day. Don't be afraid to look at these long term potentials. 

Here are some questions you can ask yourself that may help you to further tap into this Capricorn New Moon:

  1. What makes me feel most confident and successful in my life?
  2. Where do I see my 'best and happiest self' in 10 years?
  3. What else can I do to plan for a financially prosperous retirement?
  4. What interesting classes or workshops could I take to further my expertise in a certain area?

As we move forward with our noble intentions, we must be aware that the universe may have other plans for us as well. Sometimes the greatest opportunities are the ones we aren't expecting. This is our destiny.

Happy New Moon!

Spirit + Home,

Cancer Full Super Moon: The Power of the Feminine

astrologySuzy Olsen
Artwork by The Starchild Tarot.

Artwork by The Starchild Tarot.


Happy new year's Eve! As we welcome the new year and say goodbye to 2017, a powerful full Moon emerges in the sign of Cancer. If visible, this full Moon will appear very large -- as it is a Super Moon and closest to the Earth. If you are a Cancer sun, ascendant or moon person, you will likely be feeling these watery full Moon vibes in the extreme. 

The full Moon occurs at 11 degrees Cancer. It just so happens that the ascendant of my own chart is 11 degrees Cancer, so this new year perhaps feels especially significant to me on a personal level. I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed by how much is happening in my life right now, but I'm also feeling extremely blessed. I have so much gratitude to live the life I am living now, and I look forward to what 2018 may bring.

This magical Cancer moon energy is setting an intention for the entire year. Cancer is a feminine sign and rules the lovely Moon itself. With Cancer, we celebrate taking a softer approach to our lives, and realize the importance of love, relationships, family, home, and expressing our emotional selves. This year marks the power of the feminine. We are far more likely to realize our dreams and achieve happiness by harnessing our feminine qualities, rather than the masculine. 

Looking over the events of this past year, we are definitely now experiencing an energy shift. 2017 was a year filled with masculine vigor and pushing ahead with brute strength. Cancer, on the other hand, tends to be flexible and malleable in its approach. However, Cancer is able to accomplish quite a lot over a longer period of time and is perhaps more effective in the long run. 

In western astrology, the Moon ultimately holds the key to our individual happiness. This Moon centered year will likely bring many opportunities to bring more happiness and fulfillment in our lives. 

Happy New Year!

Spirit + Home,


astrologySuzy OlsenComment


Late this Tuesday evening, west coast time, the New Moon will arrive in the sign of the earthly goddess -- Virgo. The themes that come to mind for manifestation during this fertile time include our health, our ability to work without distraction, conquering our to do lists, taking care of our own well being, and being of service to others. Virgo is a 'responsible' sign, and thrives on organization and a sense of accomplishment in our daily lives. This New Moon is highlighting our ability to thrive in our daily mundane activities, and how to be more conscious in our daily rituals.

For anyone who is self employed, it certainly helps to strengthen one's Virgo qualities. If you can't be responsible for your own daily work, who will? But in order to be most effective in our work, Virgo tells us we must find balance between work and play. After a full day of work, we need time to put up our feet and to spend time with our loved ones. There is a balance that must be achieved in order to stay happy, healthy and sane in our daily lives. 

We are still coming off of the intense energies of the Eclipses in August. This New Moon is a continuation of those themes and goals we set last month. We are taking the next practical steps towards achieving our goals and our destiny. Though we are being reminded of all the work that is still ahead of us, she is telling us to also celebrate all the small victories. As you create your 'to do lists' at this time, congratulate yourself for every little task you check off. The Universe is supporting you right now as you take care of business!

The New Moon occurs at 27 degrees Virgo and is square Saturn and opposing Chiron. These are no small matters. Saturn will be presenting an obstacle or two in our paths. A challenge that we can overcome and learn from. Chiron will be highlighting where we still need healing in our lives. Pay attention to what comes up for you emotionally, and shine a light there. This is not a time to ignore difficulties. We are called to face them and work through them with love and compassion.  

We may experience moments of anxiety and nervous tension. Remember to take care of yourself during this time. Virgo rules our health, and if we allow stress to take over -- we may find ourselves stuck in bed with a nasty cold!

Overall, this is an excellent time to clean house and get organized. Venus will be joining the Virgo party, showing us that there is natural beauty all around us. De-clutter your home and workspace and spend some time outdoors to connect with nature. The earth goddess beckons us to get grounded in our bodies and the spaces we occupy. 

Read your New Moon horoscope below to find out how this moon phase affects you more personally. These short readings are based on astrological transits and intuitive readings, and they apply to your rising (or ascendant), sun and moon signs.


  • ARIES:  How do you envision your ideal day? Make a plan for how you organize your day, including work, down time and fun activities. You are being challenged to find enjoyment in the work that you do, and having a clear plan of how to make that happen is the key to success. 


  • TAURUS:  Dear Taurus, you look to be starting a new creative project of some kind. This is something to be really excited about! Expect doors to open and fresh new beginnings. You are also especially fertile at this time, so this makes an excellent time for conceiving if this is a goal for you. 


  • GEMINI:  Are you moving to a new city or into a new home? There is lots of movement and new beginnings around family and home for you right now. You may also be going on a trip to visit relatives or beloved ancestors. 


  • CANCER:  This is an excellent time to work on effective communication with coworkers or those in your community. Think about what your role is, and how you can be most effective with your talents. You may be looking take a special course or two. Research and be clear about what you want before you commit to this new area of study.


  • LEO:  There looks to be an opportunity to earn some extra income. You are being called to act quickly, as this opportunity may not stick around. It's time to get serious about your powers of manifestation. 


  • VIRGO:  Dear Virgo, the stars are speaking to you! This is your time to shine by using your talents in being of service to others. Step up your game and realize your greatest potential. 


  • LIBRA:  You are preparing for your next big move. Until then, find joy and grace with where you are currently. You are being called to go within. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition at this time. They will be giving you hints for what is to come. 


  • SCORPIO:  Have you been distracted lately from pursuing your dreams? I see this New Moon as a reminder to be brave and remain focused on your pursuits. As you conquer your obstacles, you may be disrupting the collective somehow. But you keep doing you! 


  • SAGITTARIUS:  The doors keep opening for you when it comes to career and your place in the world. People are noticing you, dear Sagittarius. You are able to hold a certain grace and confidence now, and people want to listen to what you have to say. 


  • CAPRICORN:  Your faith is somehow being challenged now. You may be questioning your spiritual foundation or that of others. Or it could be that you are facing challenges with foreign affairs of some kind. Go within and set your personal priorities. Find faith in yourself.


  • AQUARIUS:  Dear Aquarius, what parts of your life are you saying goodbye to? Before a fresh new chapter can emerge, you must first clear up some emotional matters. This is a deeply transformational time for you. Give yourself the nurturing and healing you need. 


  • PISCES:  Have you been disappointed in your partner lately? Whether it's your romantic or business partner, I see a change of course. Let go of previous expectations and see how you can be most effective working a bit more on your own. Think about what your personal goals are, and how you can get yourself there. 


astrologySuzy Olsen
eclipse dark light.jpg

By now, you've probably heard about the solar eclipse that will be occurring this Monday. This eclipse will begin just south of where I live, on the Oregon coast, and it will work its way across the whole United States. There is much anticipation as we see the traffic in Oregon increase and we get closer to the date.. but what exactly is going on from an Astrological perspective?

I can tell you, there is a wide variety of interpretation out there. Eclipses like this one are rare, and Astrologers are pretty excited about the possibilities. One thing is for certain though, because we are at the heart of the location of this eclipse, those of us living in the United States are most deeply impacted

The eclipse is of course also a New Moon and occurs at 28 degrees Leo. The last Full Moon we had was a Lunar Eclipse occurring in the opposing sign of Aquarius. The Aquarius opposing Leo energies bring up issues concerning the majority 'people' versus those in power. Aquarius is concerned with human rights and humanitarian efforts, while Leo can be concerned with expressing stronger leadership and exerting power over others. Not to say that Leo is bad, because we need strong leaders in order to move forward in our societies.

Leo is a regal sign and represents those in prominent leadership positions: monarchies, presidents, the Pope etc.. You can probably see where I'm going with this -- our American politics are greatly affected by this eclipse. We can already feel the 'eclipse drama' from the past couple weeks.  It has been dramatic to say the least!

A solar eclipse, especially a total eclipse, is like a major re-boot button. There are often sudden and unexpected changes. Some great and some terrible, but all are necessary for pursuing our individual destinies. Often our feelings and reactions to these situations are exaggerated. I think of the 'Tower' or 'Death' card in Tarot, which signify sometimes abrupt ending and removal of old ways. Keep in mind, these cards are often welcome messages, telling us an old and unfavorable cycle is ending.

Each of us are affected uniquely, depending on where the eclipse occurs in our chart. Please note, this is an especially good time for manifesting what you desire for the next six months and beyond.  Be open for opportunities and be ready to take action. Here is a little clue as to where the eclipse might be affecting you in your life. These short readings are based on astrological transits and intuitive readings. This applies to rising signs, sun signs (and moon signs even). 

  • ARIES:  This is a time to reconnect with love, passion, creativity and what inspires you. Seek out what your heart desires.  This is also an excellent time to connect with children or get in touch your inner playful child. 


  • TAURUS:  There may be some hardships with family relationships. Seek better understanding of past events and engage better communication with family members moving forward. Some clarity will make all the difference and put you back on track. Be prepared for some major 'aha' moments. 


  • GEMINI:  Strength and perseverance is needed now as you tackle obstacles concerning communication or travel. You may be learning a new skill or taking an accreditation course to change things up in your career. Let your curiosity be your guide. 


  • CANCER:  Money and possessions are on your mind. How can you make more money and feel more secure? There are opportunities to earn extra cash on a side hustle or perhaps a raise on a current career path. Realize your self worth and step up your game. 


  • LEO:  This eclipse is all about you dear Leo. BIG changes are coming, and I'm sure you can already feel it. What changes are you hoping to make, and how can you use your leadership skills to get there? There may be dramatic shifts outside of your control, but you can stay dedicated to what matters most. Take some time to get in touch with your truest goals, and this means connecting with your heart.


  • VIRGO:  Your skills, dear Virgo, will be greatly appreciated during this time. You have an ability to nurture and be of service to others like no other. During this time you will also want to be taking care of yourself, by getting plenty of rest and time in solitude. Let go of the worries and problems of others that you cannot control. If you haven't tried meditation, perhaps this is the time. 


  • LIBRA:  What is your role among your peers and friend groups? You are being challenged to take a more active role in your community. Libras like to please, and sometimes they lose their identity within a group in order to 'fit in'. Let your unique talents shine. Don't worry, they will love you just the way you truly are. This is also a great time for taking your internet business or social media marketing to the next level. 


  • SCORPIO:  I see possibilities for an exciting new job or entirely new career path for you Scorpio. Through your leadership and vision, there is the opportunity to start something new and prosperous. Your positive and graceful interaction with others are key to your success.


  • SAGITTARIUS:  You are on the move! Dear to your heart, traveling and experiencing other ways are life are on your agenda. There are opportunities for you to speak up publicly during this time -- about important world type issues. Some of you will likely be headed off to university for the first or second or third time. Keep broadening your mind and sharing your wisdom with others.


  • CAPRICORN:  Dear Capricorn, I see you battling some bad habits or oppressive types of situations. This eclipse will bring opportunities to end these negative cycles that can be so hard to let go of. The bad vibes, once dealt with, will be quickly replaced by compassionate and caring love by an important person in your life. Transformation and intimacy go hand in hand. 


  • AQUARIUS:  A brand new partnership may be in your near future. Whether it's a business partnership, or a domestic partner/marriage type partner, this person will play a key role in your life in the months to come. Be patient. Most likely this person will be making the first move. You have much to give a partnership at this time. 


  • PISCES:  This eclipse is giving you opportunities to be of service to others, and most importantly -- to be a good friend to others in need. I sense you have much wisdom to impart, and you are able to help those who are perhaps suffering the most during these turbulent times. Those with a Pisces heart are not afraid to get their hands dirty, and are willing to give themselves completely. Make sure to take care of yourself first, especially your health, so that you have the energy to be most successful. 



Aries New Moon : Finding Inspiration

article, astrologySuzy Olsen

At about 8:00pm tomorrow, the New Moon occurs in the fiery hot sign of Aries at 7 degrees. Since the first day of Spring, I've been anticipating this moment. New Moons always indicate a fresh new cycle, but Aries absolutely amplifies this urgency for new beginnings. 

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and indicates a time of rebirth and creative inspiration for all things new. Aries people tend to be eager, positive, youthful, hyper and often impatient. I've certainly noticed people's excitement around me lately, and a yearning to connect with what truly makes them happy. I have also witnessed those who have been forced out of unhappy circumstances, through the loss of a job or relationship. At this time, we are right in the middle of a big transition period. It may be painful at times getting through, but sunnier skies are on the horizon. 

The Aries New Moon conjuncts the loving planet Venus. This aspect is particularly interesting because Venus is currently in a retrograde cycle. Before we embark on our exciting new adventures, we are being called to first go within. New beginnings first start from within -- when we feel inspired. With Venus here, there is a message of self love. What nourishes us and heals us? Whatever actions we take under the New Moon, they should be done based on love. Most importantly, for love of ourselves. 

We may also feel inspired to work out old problems with a fresh new perspective. How do we breath new life into 'old' ideas? By just updating or 'upgrading' our beliefs and values, we have the ability to greatly transform our lives. 

Soon to follow, on April 9th, Mercury will station retrograde and will remain retrograde for the entire month. I think this will be an interesting time, but possibly a frustrating time. We have five planets in energetic Aries wanting to go full steam ahead, but Mercury will be forcing us to sloooooow down and pump the brakes a bit. During Mercury retrograde we should not rush to make final decisions or sign important contracts. We may need to renegotiate a deal or work out some necessary details. We are called to be patient and remain flexible till perhaps we have more clarity on a situation. 

I've pulled a couple Tarot cards for inspiration on how to best move through the Mercury Retrograde cycle. We have the Four of Wands and the Six of Cups. Right away I get a sense that immersing yourself in what brings you joy is important. Spend time with good friends and have some fun. Make sure to make time for social gatherings and parties. Our relationships will keep us steady and keep us sane!  

Returning to the New Moon -- this is a key time to plant some seeds to be bloomed this Spring. Take a moment to jot down some inspiring ideas for what you would like to birth over the next few months. Focus on the heart as you do this, and only good things will come to you. 

Spirit + Home,

Astrology readings at Chariot - November 12th!

event, astrologySuzy Olsen

Swing by CHARIOT on November 12th to get a quick astrology reading from visiting Astrologer Ash Bonelli! This short but powerful reading will give you a better understanding of how Jupiter, the planet of expansion, joy and blessings will be affecting you over the next year. 

Recently, the 'good luck planet' Jupiter shifted into the peaceful and loving sign of Libra. This means major shifts are occurring in a certain area of your life allowing you to find new opportunities and positive avenues for growth. Find out what this Libra transit means for you as an individual, and how you can make the most of this energy to fulfill your dreams and bring more beauty into your life. 

This is a great way to delve further into your birth chart beyond the Sun, Moon and rising sign (Ascendant). No worries though if you are new to astrology because this a sweet way to get your feet wet. You will be met where you are at! 

15-minute // $20.00 

Looking for more insights beyond Jupiter? Ash will be happy able to accommodate. 

For more details, check out the Facebook event: