New Moon in Aquarius + Eclipse

astrologySuzy Olsen
Some new moon ritual inspiration...

Some new moon ritual inspiration...


During the late afternoon or evening yesterday, many of us 'experienced' the New Moon in Aquarius at 27 degrees. This New Moon was a partial solar eclipse, thus giving a little different flavor than a regular New Moon. During an eclipse, actual positive ions are released in the air. This is the opposite of those calming negative ions. So you get the idea!

Aquarius is currently where we find the south node, and this eclipse magnifies the need to release or let go of something. I've noticed several cases around me already of people finally exiting situations that no longer serve them or 'losing' a job that they detested. 

The New Moon trines Uranus, who is still hanging around in fiery Aries. We may find a ourselves with a plethora of new ideas, new projects and feelings of sudden inspiration. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and is thus getting a super charge of ideas. Follow these ideas and see where they take you. There may be something dear to your heart that you've always wanted to do, and for some reason or another you keep holding it back. Now be the time to set yourself free somehow in order to realize this dream. 

Mercury will be returning retrograde later next month on March 22nd. If there is indeed a new thing you would like to start, this is an excellent time.Before Mercury goes retrograde. During Mercury retrograde our lives tend to slow down and go more inward. 

And now my plug for Tarot School! If you've been wanting to hone your tarot skills, now is the time. We have just launched our second session of Tarot School. Please see the 'workshop' page for details...

Happy New Moon!

Spirit + Home,