

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Artwork created by Devany Amber Wolfe (Serpentfire).

Artwork created by Devany Amber Wolfe (Serpentfire).

Greetings friends,

The sun is shining and summer is finally upon us. As we leave the spring season, I am in awe of all that has happened in a short period of time. On a collective level, these past few months have been some of the most turbulent times in our lives. I knew the year 2020 was going to be an big turning point for humanity, but I couldn’t have realized how much so.

Change and transformation are still on the horizon as we enter Cancer season and the Summer Solstice. On June 20th at 11:41PM PT, a major solar eclipse will occur at 0 degrees Cancer. On the longest day of the year of maximum light, the sun is completely blotted out leaving us in darkness. This is the very last eclipse in Cancer, after a series of eclipses over the past year and a half or so. We are wrapping up a chapter in our lives, and it is going out with a bang! As we release and let go of this closing chapter, we are welcoming a great new beginning in our lives.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic many folks are now forced to close businesses, make job changes, and relocate their families. Eclipses often bring necessary change, but it can come with a dose of urgency and turbulence. For some, these changes are welcome and exciting. For others, the changes are more burdensome and challenging. A major eclipse like this will play out over the next six months, but we will likely experience some big shifts right away.

Back on January 10th, we had our last Cancer eclipse. Just two days later, we had the first known Coronavirus death. Six months later, here we are today. This upcoming eclipse is an excellent time for reflection on the past six months. What has changed for you? How have you evolved because of recent events? What is now clear for you that you must do in reaction to these changes? We have all come a long way since January!

Wherever Cancer is in your chart, there is bound to be in an influx of new energy. During this Cancer season as a whole, we may oscillate between embracing the new parts of our life and holding onto the old. Cancer is a sentimental sign, and seeks to protect and hold tightly to what it values. It is indeed important we honor our roots and our history, but we need not allow our past to define us. Cancer is also a deeply sensitive sign, and our emotional selves may feel heightened or extra vulnerable. If this is the case, be gentle with yourself and honor the self nurturing you require.

Mercury recently stationed retrograde in Cancer on June 17th..

..and will remain retrograde until July 12th. I have already been experiencing all the typical Mercury retrograde antics, including schedule mishaps, internet outages, and miscommunication galore. My advice always for any Mercury Rx is to be patient and to make sure that whatever message you are sending is solidly clear.

Being that we are in Cancer retrograde territory, we may feel a strong pull to look backward before we move forward. Cancer rules the family, and this could be an excellent time for you to research family roots or reconnect with family members you have lost touch with. Because of the powerful racial justice movement we are in now, I have been doing some deep ancestral research around race issues. I have also been practicing and studying ways to promote healing in my ancestral lines due to racial harm or trauma. It has been eye opening for me in so many ways, and I’m grateful for the opportunity.

Cancer is symbolized by the crab, and often moves in a ‘sideways’ fashion rather than direct. This cautious approach, combined with Mercury retrograde, speaks to the need of moving slowly and gradually toward big change. The eclipse may bring powerful momentum in an area of life, but it would be good to heed caution before going all in. Towards the end of this Mercury retrograde cycle, we may realize that our plans must adjust or shift. Remember to listen to your intuition — that inner voice that guides you step by step.

As with any solar eclipse, I would advise treating this time differently than a typical ‘new moon’. Here are some suggestions for how to work with the Cancer eclipse energy during this summer solstice:

  • Research your family tree or ancestral lineage.

  • Reconnect with your family and loved ones.

  • Process any turbulent or intense feelings through writing, a creative project or therapy.

  • Take a break from technology and news sources, and give yourself some time and space for quiet reflection.

  • Take a salt bath.

  • Visit a nearby body of water.

  • Nurture yourself.

Wishing you all the summer solstice blessings!


astrologySuzy Olsen
Sagittarius eclipse

Eclipse season begins tomorrow with the penumbral lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. This is the first of three eclipses in a row, a rare occurrence, and it begins a brand new eclipse cycle that will last for 1.5 years. Though the eclipse itself is ‘weak’ it is still intense! Because we are entering a whole new cycle of eclipses, I felt called to give what wisdom I have around this subject of astrology. As we lead up to this eclipse (that occurs at 12:12PM PT tomorrow Friday, June 5th), there are key strategies to work with this particular intense energy. 


You don’t need an astrologer to tell you that this is a monumental time of change; I’m sure you already know that. What I do want to inform you of is how to work with this eclipse and safeguard yourself from its potential harmful influences. I wouldn’t call myself an eclipse expert, but I have learned some things over the years and I see a lot of misinformation out in the world. At this time, especially if you are protesting and feel vulnerable, you may find this information useful.


The lunar eclipse will culminate at the center of Sagittarius, where the Moon and South Node will co-mingle from a distance (the South Node at 29 deg.). Sagittarius, the noble archer, is the sign of mutable fire. This eclipse is triggering the wildfires of our soul. As the fires shift and burn hot, the path may be difficult to predict or control at this time. A crisis may bring change to your personal spirituality, higher understanding, faith and the pursuit of ideals. How you approach these areas of your life is likely to evolve in new ways over the next year or so. 


The South node, otherwise known as ‘Ketu’, acts as a release point in the chart. A south nodal eclipse can strip away stability in our lives, causing energetic disturbances, and delivering a karmic message. Thus, we cannot work with the lunar eclipse in the same way we would with a regular full moon. With a typical full moon we celebrate growth and abundance, but with Ketu we take an austere approach. Ketu is all about ‘spiritual growth’ and finding happiness from living a less materialistic focused lifestyle. If you’ve ever experienced that feeling of pure contentment from a deep meditation, you are tapping into this Ketu energy. 


As we approach the eclipse tomorrow, I would suggest focusing on the condition of your spiritual life and where you hope to find clarity. On a positive note, the lunar eclipse can help you to radically purify an area of your life -- thus presenting a more meaningful path for you. All of us have an opportunity to cleanse our minds and hearts of negativity and delusion. If you are wanting to tap in more directly, you should consider what house Sagittarius rules in your chart and if you have any planets there. As always, you can also reach out to me to schedule a reading for more precise and personal insights. 


I recently did an exercise, prompted by a Sagittarius friend of mine, where we wrote down a few of the most successful and happy people in our life that we knew personally. This was eye opening for me, as I realized every person on my list had a strong spiritual foundation of some kind. In our culture, we are pressured into thinking that success is only found by a narrowly defined path: getting a well paying job at a big corporation, getting married and having a couple kids. There is nothing wrong with these things, but they don't ensure any kind of real substantial happiness.

Here is a list of ways to work with the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse:

  • Your energies may be down at this time, give yourself lots of time for rest. 

  • Perform an energetic cleansing of your home and personal spaces. You can use whatever tools you prefer, such as sage or salt water. 

  • Fasting (only if this is something you are accustomed to). You can also benefit by eating simple, healthy and small meals. In other words, don’t overindulge in consuming bad foods or drinking. 

  • Take an epsom salt bath. You can do this the night before the eclipse and the day of the eclipse. 

  • Wear an activated black charcoal mask or consume safely in a drink/smoothie. 

  • Drink lots of water. The idea is to help flush out the toxins in a healthy manner.

  • Clean your home and altar(s). This is also a great time for de-cluttering and purging items in your space. 

  • Meditation. 

  • Perform a ritual for banishing, cord-cutting, or releasing of some kind (only do this if you are very experienced in the method). I recommend burning incense and lighting a candle. 

  • Finish up a project that you would like to be done with! This can be a great way to release negativity and make room for new energy. 

  • DONATE to a cause that supports and defends BIPOC against racial injustices (releasing your money to a greater cause to do noble work). Here is a list of suggested organizations: LINK

tarot spread

If you feel you need a little extra guidance, I’ve designed a little Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse tarot spread:

  1. What will help me to clear negativity from my heart and mind?

  2. What is being released or purified for myself with this eclipse?

  3. What clarity or truth is coming forward?

  4. How will my spiritual path be shifting in the future?

Capricorn Eclipse 2019: A Christmas to remember... (post from Christmas 2019)

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

When reviewing the astrology of the last days of December, I can tell you that this decade is going out with a bang! The last new moon of 2019 is a mighty solar eclipse. On Christmas day at 9:13PM PT, a new lunar cycle begins at 4 degrees Capricorn. As with any eclipse, the impact will be felt and realized over the next six months. From winter solstice of 2019 to summer solstice of 2020, this Capricorn new moon will reveal something radically new in our lives.

The new moon eclipse happens just as it is making a conjunction with expansive Jupiter. Recently, Jupiter entered the sign of ambitious Capricorn, where it will reside over the next year. This large planet is adding some extra juice to this eclipse and will highlight many of the themes for this upcoming year. Jupiter is a planet of wisdom, joy and opportunity. The eclipse can surely bring about these blessings in a major way, but it will need to be done by Saturn's rules.   

Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn, and Saturn is still making its way through the last home stretch of this steady and hardworking sign. The new moon fully ushers us into 'Capricorn season', where we most intimately connect with the wisdom of the goat and Saturn. Just as a mountain goat slowly makes its way up a steep and foreboding mountain, we may find ourselves eager for greater challenges at this time.

There is a fire burning within us -- telling us we can do more and be more, but simultaneously we must be patient and practical as we move up the steep terrain.

The South Node is still traversing the dry earth of Capricorn, as we continue to assess what can be released in our lives. This eclipse may represent a necessary sacrifice of some kind, in order for new and better opportunities to come our way. You can be proactive this time of year and take a hard look at where you can purge and further simplify.

Over the past couple months, I've had several sacrifices come up for myself, and it hasn't always felt easy. Due to health issues, I've had to give up certain foods. Goodbye red wine and chocolate! I've also had to turn down certain projects and collaborations, because I knew I didn't have the time and energy to do it all. As I've released and let go of these habits or opportunities, I've felt lighter and have been able to prioritize what is most important.

This Capricorn season, above anything else, asks us to recognize our limitations. By recognizing our limits, we become stronger and more resilient.

We can show up for our chosen commitments and responsibilities in a more powerful way, and let the rest go. Instead of just reacting and doing, we move through the world with purpose and intention. We recognize our BIG long term goals and do what is necessary to reach them. This is the wisdom of Capricorn.

To add a little more spice to this eclipse, the new moon will also aspect Uranus. The strong trine may bring about some extra surprises and unpredictability. Sometimes we need a little 'jolt' to shake up the monotony or stagnation in our lives. Uranus, however, will also be inspiring us to break free from our old habits and to live freer and more authentically somehow. Amen to that!

As for any eclipse, this is NOT an opportune time to actively manifest something or start something new. I do see this eclipse, however, as a great time to recognize your priorities and reflect on how your long term goals might be shifting. Here are some questions you might ask yourself around this holiday season:   

  • What people, projects or work are giving me energy right now? What is depleting my energy?

  • Do I have any negative habits or lifestyle choices that are keeping me from feeling productive, healthy, and happy?

  • What big ambitions do I have for this year?

  • How can I level up my commitments?

  • Where do I see myself in 10 years ..ideally?

  • How can I be better aligned with my authentic goals?

Capricorn season doesn't have to be all about work either. In a recent client consultation, I could see that she was actually needing to make more room for fun. Sometimes we must sacrifice the constant 'hustle' in order to make room for our relationships, down time and adventures.

As we approach a new decade, the astrology is speaking to starting with a firm foundation and a 'clean slate'. The end of this year is an excellent time to wrap up old projects, pay back any debts, and find closure around any unfinished business. The year 2020 is jam packed with all sorts of action and big transitions, so take a cue from Capricorn and be prepared! 

Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2nd

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

(This information was originally sent in our New Moon newsletter on July 1st)

Tomorrow at 12:16PM PT, we welcome a new lunar cycle in the sign of the crab.This new moon is extra special because it is a full solar eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs when the sun, moon and earth are aligned just right at the time of the new moon. If you happen to live in certain parts of South America, you will be able to see this eclipse in action! For the rest of us, we will be feeling its affects, and seeing its results play out in our lives in various ways.

The new moon occurs in its home sign at 10 degrees of watery Cancer, with the north node nearby. Eclipses occur in pairs, and we will be experiencing the 'lunar' partial eclipse two weeks later in the earth sign of Capricorn. The effects of these eclipses will be played out over the next six months,but we will definitely be getting some hints this month for what is to come.

How might this extra potent new moon affect you? The sign of Cancer is opening new doors in our lives that lead to healing, more intimate connections, as well as anything to do with the home and family.At this time you may be making a big move, purchasing a new home, welcoming a new baby, spending more time with children, inheriting something from your family, visiting loved ones, researching your heritage, or embracing living more in tune with the lunar cycles. All these things are highly Cancerian and they offer us ways to enrich our lives in truly deep and emotional ways.

Tomorrow marks a fresh brand new beginning, especially if Cancer plays a significant role in your chart. I pulled the 'Judgment' tarot card this morning in correspondence to this time. We are experiencing an awakening to a new chapter in our lives, and we have the opportunity to better align ourselves to living better and more authentically to who we are. With a sextile to Uranus, we are able to break free from old patterns that hold us back. We are supported in our pursuit of a bit more freedom from the structures that bind us. When we live in authentic alignment with our soul and our heart, we live in harmony with the universe.

Neptune gives us a little added grace at this transition. There is a flow and an ease that is available to us, and we may feel guided by a higher purpose. This dreamy quality allows us to 'look outside the box', but we might be inundated by the 'endless possibilities'. Know that you don't have to have all the answers now. A path will be made known over time.

With any pivotal new beginnings, comes some birthing pains. Saturn, Pluto and the South node sit opposite this New Moon in the sign of Capricorn. As we pursue our new path, challenges may appear. And with these challenges, new skills must be learned. We are asked to rise to these challenges and make adjustments where needed. The quiet wisdom of divine Saturn tells me that with these new opportunities coming our way, comes much solitary work. We are growing more independent and self reliant. Our growth comes from learning to be more self sufficient. I can also see that we have opportunities to use our talents in a more competitive way, or perhaps at a higher skill set. This could be a great time to take a class or increase your professionalism somehow.

While all these new doors are opening to bring us new opportunities, we are also simultaneously experiencing major endings in our lives. The full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn will arrive on July 16th, and this marks a time of important endings. Six months ago we experienced the solar eclipse in Capricorn, which began the process of these particular endings. Saturn, the South Node, and Pluto have been orchestrating the process of releasing what is no longer serving us. The structures that have been supporting us for some time, may no longer be providing a stable base to stand upon.

Saturn and the South Node, in their innate wisdom, are showing us what we can do without. How can we live more simply in order to focus on what truly matters? How can we let go of more, in order to make room for the life we truly want to live? What may have brought us a sense of security in the past, may now feel like a heavy dead weight. Saturn is creating a new order and a new set of rules for us to live by.

If the eclipses weren't enough action for you, Mercury will be stationing retrograde on July 7th in the sign of mighty Leo. Because of its association with Mars, this may be a particularly hairy time for communication. Be careful not to act on anger or too impulsively around this time, as you may regret your actions later. Mercury will be retrograde in Leo and Cancer until August 1st. During this period, take extra effort to communicate clearly, thoughtfully and plan thoroughly.

All in all, July is jam packed with major shifts and some turbulence. There are, however, plenty of days filled with good opportunities to connect with yourself and others in meaningful and heartfelt ways. Happy new moon and eclipse!

New Moon in Aquarius + Eclipse

astrologySuzy Olsen
Some new moon ritual inspiration...

Some new moon ritual inspiration...


During the late afternoon or evening yesterday, many of us 'experienced' the New Moon in Aquarius at 27 degrees. This New Moon was a partial solar eclipse, thus giving a little different flavor than a regular New Moon. During an eclipse, actual positive ions are released in the air. This is the opposite of those calming negative ions. So you get the idea!

Aquarius is currently where we find the south node, and this eclipse magnifies the need to release or let go of something. I've noticed several cases around me already of people finally exiting situations that no longer serve them or 'losing' a job that they detested. 

The New Moon trines Uranus, who is still hanging around in fiery Aries. We may find a ourselves with a plethora of new ideas, new projects and feelings of sudden inspiration. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and is thus getting a super charge of ideas. Follow these ideas and see where they take you. There may be something dear to your heart that you've always wanted to do, and for some reason or another you keep holding it back. Now be the time to set yourself free somehow in order to realize this dream. 

Mercury will be returning retrograde later next month on March 22nd. If there is indeed a new thing you would like to start, this is an excellent time.Before Mercury goes retrograde. During Mercury retrograde our lives tend to slow down and go more inward. 

And now my plug for Tarot School! If you've been wanting to hone your tarot skills, now is the time. We have just launched our second session of Tarot School. Please see the 'workshop' page for details...

Happy New Moon!

Spirit + Home,