astrologySuzy Olsen
gemini new moon

Greetings dear ones,

This Thursday, on May 22nd at 10:38AM PT, the moon joins the sun in the sign of the Cosmic Twins. Brimming with curiosity, this airy Gemini season is offering us plenty of opportunities to get in touch with our creative and our most playful sides. Around the time of the new moon, both Venus and Mercury are coupled together in Gemini -- like a pair of fraternal twins. These two planets make an auspicious pair and inspire intrigue towards ornate story-telling and the combination of high-tech and beauty. 

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, entered Gemini way back on April 4th. Mercury entered its home sign of Gemini on May 12th. As these two conjoin just hours before the new moon, Mercury is lending a helping hand to what is now a retrograde Venus. During this Venus retrograde, we are exploring certain areas of life where we feel discontentment or unhappiness. Mercury helps to bring clarity to the disharmony that we feel, and perhaps shows us a solution to a problem.

If retrograde Venus is digging up relationship issues for you, as it often does, you may find yourself effectively able to voice a concern or communicate needs to another. Outside of relationships, this may be a time to explore ways to improve your creative endeavors with new technology or ways of communicating. It's perhaps also important to mention that the season of Gemini is not about being overly serious! This mercurial sign knows how to have fun and keep things light.

All this Gemini business may be sounding well and good, but we do have some complications in the mix. Neptune in Pisces is in an exact square to this Mercury-Venus combo. It's as if all the insights we are gaining from Mercury are being clouded by outside interference, and this may keep us from seeing the full picture. This lack of clarity from Neptune is a bit like having our head in the clouds, and bends us towards fantasy rather than reality. Though we may be coming up with excellent ideas around this new moon, it could be that we have rather too many plans to give us one clear path forward. Or perhaps our plans are a bit too far reaching at this moment, and one simple idea is over complicated by excessive daydreaming.

The advice for how to work with the cloudy Neptunian energy is partially inspired by the I Ching today. Hexagram #9, known as 'Small Influences', comes forward to let us know that subtle and small actions are more powerful than grand ones during this lunar cycle. By using our intuition, we can chart a long term course and take steady steps towards reaching a goal. The Mercury-Venus energy allows us to be persuasive, gentle, and effective when working with others. Our partnerships can blossom through cooperation and acknowledging the complimentary strengths in one another. 

Though our cosmic downloads may be in overdrive (and feel overwhelming right now), our intuition is especially strong at this new moon. As the moon empties of all its light, the moon passes over the enchanting Pleiades constellation -- also known as the seven sisters. This grouping of stars is both powerful and subtle. The Pleiades is gently empowering the new moon and ourselves to tap into our third eye and to strengthen our imagination. In order to really engage this 'gift' from the stars, we must be able to tune out the 'noise' and embrace the quiet.

In summary, this new lunar cycle is potent for gaining insights, making plans, and gently expressing our creative and playful sides. Both Mars and Neptune in Pisces present challenges, as we reach for what we don't yet know or fully understand. The temptation to move forward with full gusto may be tempting but foolhardy! If we move gently and listen to our intuition, however, we can focus our attention on what is most valuable for shaping our desired futures. 

Here are few suggestions for how to work with this Gemini lunar cycle and tune into your third eye -- written by sign. For best accuracy, go by your rising/ascendant sign. If you don't know your rising sign, you can calculate this online or receive more information in a chart consultation reading with me.   

You are likely busy these days, but are you fulfilled? Practice free-form writing to get all those thoughts outside of your head. Or exercise your mind by taking an interesting workshop of some kind. 

Consider what you value most in your life, and how you can make room to attract more. Positive thinking brings prosperity to you, but be cautious about overspending. 

This period is amplifying your mind-body connection. Spend time moving your body with strength and intention -- a yoga, ballet or tai chi type practice. Focusing your body will help to focus your mind. 

One word: meditate! This lunar cycle may have you doubting yourself, but get quiet and trust your intuitive source. Your inner high priestess is calling. 

Sometimes you need a break from the limelight to re-energize your creative self, and this may be that time. Take some quality time for yourself or reach out to an old friend to reconnect. 

This period may have you evaluating your career goals, but try not to over analyze things. Talking things over with friends will help you sort out your thoughts and feelings. Positive momentum is coming.

This is a great time to connect with a guru or spiritual teacher. If your faith or spirituality is shifting, know that clarity will eventually come if you are patient and open.

You may be questioning a joint asset or co-ownership of some kind. Various forms of therapy or counseling may be helpful for getting at the true heart of the matter. At the end of the day, trust yourself to make the right decision. 

Something regarding a relationship is likely on your mind. Take time getting clear with yourself first, and talk it over with your partner. Your partner will likely have much to discuss. 

You may be feeling inspired to improve your health routine with better eating and exercise habits. Take it one step at a time and keep it simple! Think about including a mindfulness practice of some kind in your health routine.

Creativity is brewing this season! If you have been feeling bored and lackluster, get in touch with your 2nd chakra. What do you desire and what would give you the most pleasure right now? Take steps towards bringing in more creativity and giving yourself pleasure, however you see fit.

You may be desiring to connect with family or to make amends with a particular family member. Or you may be simply feeling unhappy about the condition of your home. Either way, this is a good time to take small steps to improving family relations and beautifying your home. Use your creativity to reflect your personality into your home somehow. 

Happy new moon!