The New Moon in Aries + Saturn enters Aquarius

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
aries new moon

Greetings dear ones,

This has been an eventful past week, hasn't it? Each day and each hour has brought new information, and the reality of the severity of the situation gradually sets in. Most of us around the planet have been affected by the pandemic in one way or another. Plans have been canceled, jobs lost, freedoms restricted, and many lives put in jeopardy. All of this happened while leading up to one of the most beautiful times of the year: the spring equinox.

Through all the heaviness of the Capricorn transits, the planet Venus has been a savior during these difficult times. Venus entered the sign of Taurus on March 4th, where she will remain until April 4th. She is very much at home in this earth sign, and often offers us refuge with good food, cozy homes, and beautiful nature. If you are feeling fearful right now, which many of us are, you can look to Venus for comfort. Venus shows us how to nurture ourselves and others with beauty and pleasure, and no one knows how to do this better than the sign of Taurus.

The spring equinox arrived the evening of the 20th, and the next day Saturn made a major leap into a new sign -- from Capricorn to Aquarius. Since the end of 2017, Saturn has been slowly moving through the sign of Capricorn. As Saturn neared Pluto this year, we began to experience many of the foretold 'challenging' experiences. Pluto represents shadows, fears, transformations, and what is hidden deep away. Saturn creates restrictions and boundaries. The combination of these two planets, along with Jupiter and Mars, have unearthed many of the shadows we are experiencing now. I knew this year would be difficult, but I had no idea it would be like this. 

The year 2020 is a deeply transformational period, and one with plenty of growing pains. Saturn's role in this transformation is pivotal, as Saturn has great strength in both Capricorn and Aquarius. As we look to the changes Saturn will continue to bring, we have to think long term. Saturn recognizes that sacrifices must be made, along with lots of hard work, in order to arrive at any worthwhile goal. Additionally, Saturn knows that big changes take time to fully develop. 

Saturn in Aquarius is the ultimate reformer, and looks for how we make the necessary improvements in our society that benefit us all. This is my hope for the long term view of this transit. The sign of Aquarius understands that the rules need to change. The inequality that exists among humans, animals and all beings is not sustainable.

After a retrograde period, Saturn will return to Capricorn on July 2nd. Not until this December, will Saturn return to Aquarius again. Then on Winter Solstice, Saturn and Jupiter will meet in the sign of Aquarius. This is known as the 'GREAT CONJUNCTION', and it is as major as it sounds! We will officially begin a new 20 year cycle, and a new 200 year 'air cycle' as well. A new era begins. I will be following up with more information on this later. 

So what can we expect in the coming weeks, you may ask? Well, let's start with the Aries new moon, which occurs in the early morning on March 24th. This particular new moon can be an excellent re-start button, and a time where we go deep within to seek inspiration. The beginning of Aries season is a time of renewal and a time to begin new projects. 

The last part of March and the first part of April look to continue to test our strength in the pandemic situation. On March 31st, Mars joins Saturn in an exact conjunction that squares Uranus. This is likely to be a very challenging time in particular, which we will feel the days leading up to it and afterwards. This transit reflects more restrictions on our movements, likely because of a continued increase in the spread of the virus. I'm guessing this is no surprise to any of you at this point. Mars has a 'martial' attitude as it joins Saturn in creating more boundaries, which threatens the freedom seeking Uranus. 

On April 4th, we have the Jupiter - Pluto conjunction. I discussed this in my last newsletter/blog, and you can refer back to that for more details. In general, it looks like all of these heavy transits are playing out in late March and early April. The destabilization and fear is likely to be at its peak, and then we can welcome in some much desired stability. On May 11th, Saturn will station retrograde. I'm hopeful this will mean the fierce borders and regulations will lessen or subside. This looks to be a 'cooling off' period. In no way am I saying the pandemic will be over, but everything points to improvements at this time.

In the previous newsletter, I mentioned the Temperance card as a powerful message for this time. This card continues to show up in almost every reading I do for myself and others. Sometimes a card will show up like this if there is an underlying message that is trying to make itself known. In this case, the message is addressed to us all.

As I was driving back to my house this Friday, I was meditating on this card. I understand that Temperance means we should be kind to ourselves and others, and remain calm in the face of difficulty. But what else? As I was pondering this, I hear Jane Goodall speak on NPR. You can listen to her interview hereShe spoke of the imbalance in our world and the consequences that has on conservation. We cannot rely on an economy to continue to endlessly grow, when the earth's resources are finite. If allowed, large corporate greed will eventually tap our resources, and that will be the true tragedy for our planet and our species. Not to mention. the stark disparity that currently exists between those who have access to resources and those who do not.

The Temperance card showing up at this time, I believe, is reflecting our collective need to find harmony and balance with our relationship to mother earth. How do we truly live sustainably and how do we support one another? We have a long way to go, but I am hopeful that this is the way we are going. Whether we can see it yet or not, a great transformation is taking place that future generations will see fully unfold. Jane Goodall mentions how eager young people are to work on conservation.

Further, I believe the Temperance card is reflecting our collective need to attune to spirit. In any difficult period, a spiritual practice can offer us strength. In more traditional tarot artwork, the Archangel Michael is depicted. This angel's message is: be self-loving, have faith, and stay dedicated to your personal truth.  If you treat yourself and your situation as you'd want to be treated, profound transformation and great healing will occur.

Often times when I see the Temperance card, I'm reminded we are not alone. Like a guardian angel, we are supported in so many ways unseen. I want you to know, I also support you at this time.

Happy new moon! And wishing you all good health and blessings. 

Spirit + Home,