The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse: Tending Your Inner Flame.

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

As the days grow darker in the northern hemisphere, we are reaching the last Sagittarius eclipse of a long-held series. Late this Friday, the moon will consume the sun at 12 degrees of the mighty archer. We are now at an important transition point as one karmic cycle ends and another begins. This weekend brings us the fourth and final eclipse in Sagittarius, in a cycle that began back in June 2020. The fiery sun and moon are joining the south node, awakening a major release and renewal.

With this fierce cosmic reboot, we are reminded of past karmic lessons and new territories yet to discover.

Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign and is ruled by the expansive and kingly Jupiter. Here we encounter the untamed wildness within us. The archer yearns to explore in an infinite manner, and rebels against overly restrictive boundaries. With this solar eclipse, we are reminded of the fire or the lack of fire within us. Fire, though combustible and dangerous, is what inspires and renews. Like a candle flame, if we are overly boxed in, we are snuffed out. We lose our inner passion, our direction, and the faith that propels us forward.

If you notice yourself feeling depleted at this time, take note.

Are you giving too much of yourself to something or someone who doesn't support you in return? I see this as a great time to become consciously aware of what diminishes your energy, whether it is a belief system, information source, job or relationship. With a sextile to Saturn, setting clear boundaries can be an effective strategy for protecting your vital energy. Furthermore, think about what experiences you have had since the summer of 2020. It may be time to finally follow through with releasing a limitation that keeps you from growing and expanding into your potential.

During the darkest time of the year, how will you tend to your inner flame?

Mercury is combust and debilitated, which may add to the agitation of our minds during this next lunar cycle. It is time to let go of dogmas and old belief systems which no longer serve us. Clear solutions to these issues may be hard to find, but answers will come from within with time and patience. Stay present with what is coming up at this time and don't worry too much about everything making sense right away. To know where to place your attention, look at what house Sagittarius rules in your own chart.

A Sagittarius Eclipse Tarot Spread

The cards above show a quick tarot reading I did to expand upon the Sagittarius solar eclipse. This reading is intended to generally apply to everyone. Feel free to do this reading for yourself to gain more personal insights!

1. What karmic cycle is being revisited.
ACE OF WANDS (REVERSED): A project has been left unfinished or an inspiration has been stifled. Or you may be feeling lackluster and inhibited from starting something new.

2. What change does this eclipse bring.
5 OF CUPS (REVERSED): A past disappointment is ready to be released. It may be time to put any regrets or sadness behind you so that you may focus on the future.

3. What can be released at this time.
3 OF SWORDS (REVERSED): Let go of blaming yourself for any unhappiness. This is a time to gently release the recurring negative thoughts and beliefs that bind you.

4. How to tend to your inner flame.
KING OF WANDS: Acknowledge that you have the power to make great change in your life! Be confident in your abilities and your vision. Focus on a passion that has been neglected and reignite the powerful wand you possess. Wear your crown proudly.

5. Future outlook - early winter.
3 OF CUPS (REVERSED): As we move into the darkest part of the year, it may be more difficult to connect with our friends and social groups as much as we'd like. There will be time for socializing, but perhaps with a focus on your closest and dearest friends. If you are feeling socially cut off because of inclement weather (or a new covid variant!), it will be all the more important to create fun and inspiring activities for yourself.

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn, December 19th - January 29th

Just a heads up, the next Venus retrograde cycle is right around the corner! As Venus enters her underworld journey, she will be joined by the subterranean Pluto. We can be sure that this will be an important cycle centered around unearthing our values, desires and truths in our relationships. Venus is in Capricorn until March 5th, so it is an extremely long journey through the foundations of the heart.

As Venus stations direct, she will be making a trine to liberating Uranus. The end of this retrograde heart journey will be inspiring and freeing, as she is emboldened to release herself from her shackles. Of course the story doesn't end there, but I will report more later!

Sending you all well wishes and happy holidays this season.
