ARIES NEW MOON: Tending our inner flame.

astrologySuzy Olsen1 Comment
Artwork by Oriol Angrill.

Artwork by Oriol Angrill.

Tomorrow at 2:05PM, the moon blossoms in the sign of Aries. Historically, this is one of my favorite full moons all year. My own moon sits at the top of my chart in the sign of fiery Aries, and this full lunation brings me much inspiration, excitement and thrilling fulfillment. This year I am still filled with eagerness for this full moon, but I am also facing a particular heaviness.

Yesterday, on Tuesday, the day of Mars brought much unrest. Retrograde Mars made an exact square to Saturn, creating all sorts of heat and friction. The winds were hot and brought back the awful wildfire smoke that day. I heard from friends and family about their awful hardships. The day ended with a ‘debate’ between two men battling to rule our country, which resulted in an embarrassing brawl. Right before I went to bed, I looked out my window with worry at a reddened nearly full moon.

As we look to what this full moon promises us, we must look to Mars. It is likely that you’ve already been feeling the tension Mars and the square to Saturn are bringing. Like being in a pressure cooker, this can create feelings of anxiety and frustration. Saturn puts the breaks on Mars, and Mars keeps wanting to persevere. The end result can be feelings of burn out and exhaustion. You may notice your body telling you it needs rest, but for some reason it feels difficult to turn down the adrenaline.

On a positive note, a lot of amazing break throughs can happen under this pressure. Aries is the sign of the ‘trail blazer’ and is motivated to break down barriers. This full moon may embolden you to stand up for yourself or for your values. The Mars retrograde journey allows us to get in touch with what truly excites us. We can get to the core of our passions and our inner drive. This full moon is a dramatic one no doubt, and can act as a major agent of change in our lives.

Venus is traveling through the last degrees of Leo and is making a beautiful trine to this overheated Mars. Thank you Venus! If anyone can temper the flames of Mars, she can. During this full moon we may experience some much needed support from our relationships and from women in general. This trine is also likely to fan the flames of passion and allow for some healthy outlets for our ambitions or frustrations.

We cannot forget Saturn, however, who is showing us our limitations. We may feel like there is never enough time or support from others to complete our mission. My advice is to pace yourself, or your inner flame will burn out too quickly. Recharge your inner spark of inspiration and excitement by taking breaks when you need them. Take part in activities that inspire and uplift you in order to stay positive and motivated. We are likely to be battling these limitations and bouts of exhaustion till the end of the year, so we must make self care a priority.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

--Thomas Edison

The Aries full moon may tempt us into thinking that our suffering is ours alone, and that we must face our challenges independently. If I’ve learned anything in the year 2020, however, it’s that we are not alone. We are all facing big challenges and we need each other’s support more than ever.

With that, I leave you one more quote. The Aries full moon seems just right for inspirational wisdom.

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

--Confucius (551-479 BC)

May this full moon bring you great inspiration and many blessings!