The Collective Major Themes of 2021.

astrology, tarotSuzy OlsenComment
2021 new year reading.jpg

It is an immense task to foresee the major trends for an entire year for the world at large, but I will do my best! This reading is done with tarot in reference to the major astrological trends of the year. During the recent Great Conjunction workshop, I described the major transits for 2021 and how they show up for each rising sign. This ‘year ahead’ tarot spread further reinforces the interpretation of the astrological transits. It is truly uncanny how the cards align with the planets!

First, notice the amount of kings in this reading. We have three kings but only one in an upright position. Thematically the year shows a clash among leaders and disagreements in which direction we are headed. No surprise there! It is interesting to see, however, that we have one clear leader taking charge — the ever logical King of Swords. I’ll be getting to him in a moment though.

CARD ONE: The first card at the center, the 8 of wands, represents the major overall theme for the entire globe. The key words for this card are speed, quick action, and movement. We seem to have momentum to move away from the heavy restriction we knew all too well in 2020. As a friend told me this morning, it is as if we are being ‘sling-shotted out of a year of stagnation’. I can see how this momentum is directly applied toward the globe working to disperse various vaccines as quickly as possible to almost every single living person. A monumental task that takes continuous effort. Overall, we can expect a year that is focused on adapting quickly to overcome great challenges.

These swift fiery movements correspond to Mercury in Sagittarius — the speedy messenger. This is archetypally the ‘excited evangelist’ who is eager to spread a message across the land. News cycles will continue to churn out ‘exciting’ news each day, and the likelihood of more travel. The overall energy is like a hive of bees who are busy collecting pollen from one flower to the next. With so much buzz and activity, I would suggest committing to a meditation or mindfulness practice to stay grounded this year.

CARD TWO: The card below the center represents the south nodal axis and the eclipse cycles in Sagittarius this year. Here we look to what is karmically being released, purged, or purified. The 6 of Pentacles is a card that seeks balance between those who have abundant resources and those who are lacking. How we support those who are less fortunate reflects our values as a society, and this will be reckoned with throughout the year. Many people will be analyzing what is fair when it comes to supporting a suffering economy and those that are least advantaged. The wisdom of the 6 of Pentacles with the South node tells us the more we give the more we receive. The more we lift everyone up, the more likely we are to succeed as a whole. When we have a healthy distribution of wealth, we have stability for all. In the sign of Sagittarius, we are likely to see changes in our belief systems and ideologies. These are the karmic teachings of this card and the lessons we may grapple with throughout the year.

CARD THREE: The card above the center represents the north nodal axis and the eclipses in Gemini and Taurus. Here we look to the ‘head of the dragon’ and what is likely to be intensely focused upon throughout the year. The nine of swords reversed has a definite connection to the mind and our thought patterns. North nodal eclipses often reveal an addictive behavior, so it’s no surprise to see a more negative card here! Anxiety and fear of the future are the core meanings of this card, and these are obviously issues many of us have been dealing with since last spring.

So let me break this down. Looking at Gemini, we have likely been hungry for information in order to understand the big changes that have been occurring. Sometimes, however, the more information we consume the more anxious we feel. I believe this card is reflecting the ‘trap’ of getting caught in a negative thought pattern and searching for more information for relief. The problem is, when we seek that knowledge — it may make the anxiety worse. We may feel alone in our worries and fears, but we certainly are not! The reversed nine of swords also shows that our imagination is likely far more cruel than any reality.

In a positive view, I can see how these eclipses may help to break a cycle of anxiety and seek out stabilizing support. Further, I can see that the true wisdom lies within us and not ‘out there’. As a remediate measure, I would suggest less time spent with smart phones and lots more time in nature. Choose an old school paperbound book over an article on the internet and really feel the paper as you turn each page. Sometimes the best medicine is the simplest kind.

CARD FOUR: The card on the bottom right represents magnificent Jupiter. In December, Jupiter entered Aquarius and will be playing a supportive role to Saturn most of the year. Jupiter shows us where and how we are likely to experience expansion, blessings and uplift in our lives. The Page of Wands does in fact offer a supportive role to any other court cards, and appears to be offering aid to all the Kings in this reading. Throughout the year, we can expect the Page of Wands to offer us many exciting opportunities and positivity towards new endeavors. Jupiter will finally have the strength to manifest some new adventures and explorations. There is a learning curve with any page, however, so we can expect some youthful folly as well!

In the sign of Aquarius, Jupiter is not super adept, but it appears we will have plenty of eagerness and positivity towards establishing the ‘new paradigm’ in the era of air. The new Jupiter-Saturn cycle that began on the winter solstice foretells a new 20 year cycle of Aquarian themes and a new 200 year cycle of the air element. Jupiter being represented by this fiery page tells me there is a lot of excitement in establishing new ways of living and governing that reflect our modern times. His positivity feeds directly into the momentum the 8 of wands at the center of the spread. Added, there is a feeling of inclusivity, and Jupiter would likely say this ‘new age’ is for everyone!

CARD FIVE: The card on the top right represents the key leader for this year — Saturn. I cannot think of a better card to represent the strength of this Aquarian Saturn. For about the next two years, we will have the planet of restriction, limitations and structure in its home sign of revolutionary Aquarius. The King of Swords reinforces the intense Saturnian themes for the year. An authoritative logic rules and points leadership toward reform. We are in a two year phase that will set the tone for decades to come. Major decisions are likely to be made in how society is structured and important new laws will be put in place. All of this will be done from a highly logical point of view. In the sign of Aquarius, we look to reform traditions in order to create a better tomorrow. Some of these reforms are likely to be controversial or felt as oppressive by certain groups. As we move forward in these next years, there will be varying opinions in how much tradition to retain. I’m not convinced that the King of Swords will be making any radical moves, however, unless it is assured they will create more stability. As an Aquarian myself, I’m still hopeful for positive changes in how various governing bodies will advance issues such as global warming and serving underprivileged groups.

CARD SIX: The card on the bottom left represents radical Uranus. This freedom loving planet will first square Jupiter, then square Saturn all year long. Squares represent conflict, so we have a definite feud between the authoritative energies of logical Saturn and rebellious Uranus. As I said previously, Saturn (or the King of Swords) is the one in charge due to its super position in the sky. The reversed King of Wands appropriately represents Uranus, and reflects its slightly inferior status.

So what does this mean? We are likely to have spurts of excitement and moments of breakthrough throughout the year, but they will be tempered by Saturn. I wouldn’t be surprised if we continue to have many restrictions, due to the pandemic, in most places through much of the year. The authoritative King of Swords will be there to consistently remind us the rules. The reversed position of the Kind of Wands can also represent a delayed liberation. We are waiting, somewhat impatiently, to regain our freedom loving ways.

The tension between Uranus and Saturn all year long will create a highly dynamic year, and one that will inspire breakthroughs in science and technology. We first got a taste of this transit in the spring of 2020 when we had vast protests across the globe. Thus, we can expect the King of Wands to continue to bring the fire and fight for change and liberation. Thankfully we have the Page of Wands in the mix to keep the vibe more positive!

CARD SEVEN: The last card on the upper left corner represents how these major themes will most apply to the United States this year. Here we have the King of Pentacles in a reversed position. This King is the figure of economic dominance, but he is currently subdued by his surrounding conditions. We have entered a new era, but this king is holding onto old traditions that keep him from progressing and evolving. As a society, we will likely contend with a stagnate economy and may question our values as we move forward. To be honest, I’m happy I did not see a more foreboding card here! Though the King is upside down, we can still find vast amounts of strength. Many of the obstacles we experience this year are temporary and they can be overcome successfully. The success we find in Pentacles is teamwork and supporting one another through the ups and downs.

2021 will continue some of the themes from last year, and the work we’ve already begun. The biggest difference is we will experience more forward movement and opportunities to break free from stagnation. On a personal level, many of us will be seeking more authenticity and living a life better aligned with our values. If you are interested in a personal reading to see what might be in store for you this year, make sure to schedule something soon. Sending you many expansive blessings this new year!


ARIES NEW MOON: Tending our inner flame.

astrologySuzy Olsen1 Comment
Artwork by Oriol Angrill.

Artwork by Oriol Angrill.

Tomorrow at 2:05PM, the moon blossoms in the sign of Aries. Historically, this is one of my favorite full moons all year. My own moon sits at the top of my chart in the sign of fiery Aries, and this full lunation brings me much inspiration, excitement and thrilling fulfillment. This year I am still filled with eagerness for this full moon, but I am also facing a particular heaviness.

Yesterday, on Tuesday, the day of Mars brought much unrest. Retrograde Mars made an exact square to Saturn, creating all sorts of heat and friction. The winds were hot and brought back the awful wildfire smoke that day. I heard from friends and family about their awful hardships. The day ended with a ‘debate’ between two men battling to rule our country, which resulted in an embarrassing brawl. Right before I went to bed, I looked out my window with worry at a reddened nearly full moon.

As we look to what this full moon promises us, we must look to Mars. It is likely that you’ve already been feeling the tension Mars and the square to Saturn are bringing. Like being in a pressure cooker, this can create feelings of anxiety and frustration. Saturn puts the breaks on Mars, and Mars keeps wanting to persevere. The end result can be feelings of burn out and exhaustion. You may notice your body telling you it needs rest, but for some reason it feels difficult to turn down the adrenaline.

On a positive note, a lot of amazing break throughs can happen under this pressure. Aries is the sign of the ‘trail blazer’ and is motivated to break down barriers. This full moon may embolden you to stand up for yourself or for your values. The Mars retrograde journey allows us to get in touch with what truly excites us. We can get to the core of our passions and our inner drive. This full moon is a dramatic one no doubt, and can act as a major agent of change in our lives.

Venus is traveling through the last degrees of Leo and is making a beautiful trine to this overheated Mars. Thank you Venus! If anyone can temper the flames of Mars, she can. During this full moon we may experience some much needed support from our relationships and from women in general. This trine is also likely to fan the flames of passion and allow for some healthy outlets for our ambitions or frustrations.

We cannot forget Saturn, however, who is showing us our limitations. We may feel like there is never enough time or support from others to complete our mission. My advice is to pace yourself, or your inner flame will burn out too quickly. Recharge your inner spark of inspiration and excitement by taking breaks when you need them. Take part in activities that inspire and uplift you in order to stay positive and motivated. We are likely to be battling these limitations and bouts of exhaustion till the end of the year, so we must make self care a priority.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

--Thomas Edison

The Aries full moon may tempt us into thinking that our suffering is ours alone, and that we must face our challenges independently. If I’ve learned anything in the year 2020, however, it’s that we are not alone. We are all facing big challenges and we need each other’s support more than ever.

With that, I leave you one more quote. The Aries full moon seems just right for inspirational wisdom.

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

--Confucius (551-479 BC)

May this full moon bring you great inspiration and many blessings!

VIRGO NEW MOON: Taking Small Steps Towards Your Big Vision

astrologySuzy Olsen
virgo new moon

The new moon arrives at 4AM Thursday morning in the earthy sign of Virgo. As the moon empties, we are given an opportunity to start fresh in true Virgo style. This is an excellent time to streamline, organize and make small shifts towards improving an area of your life. The sign of Virgo is grounded but is also flexible and adaptable to its environment.

As we move through this Mars retrograde period, and its square to Saturn and Pluto, the pressure is high. We may feel that we are swimming against the tide and not getting the results we anticipated. Or perhaps we simply feel burned out and overwhelmed by life's heavy circumstances. One thing is for sure, however, this is not a time to give up or to take a passive stance. The Mars retrograde period is a time of necessary adjustment and shifting our strategies. 

The Virgo new moon makes a helpful trine to Saturn, allowing us to begin new productive projects. We might feel like our big goals and visions are far out of reach, but in reality there is much we can accomplish.

The trick is to take it one day a time. Make a list of what you can do today and don't over do it.

Fiery Mars may be tempting us to try to go hard and fast, but this is a recipe for burn out at this time. Virgo teaches us to focus on the small and manageable tasks, and to stay flexible when adjustments must be made.

Mercury rules this new moon and is making a square to Jupiter. Though the pressure is on, the enthusiasm is high. As we move through this lunar cycle, we can hold onto our 'grander vision'. Our hopes and dreams to give us inspiration. I can see that many people will be excited to share their vision, especially through messages and texts to their loved ones. We may also feel compelled to bring hope to others who are experiencing a difficult time.

In summary, it is OK to have our big visions as long as we also stay grounded and focused on what we can reasonably do today to reach those dreams. If you begin to feel frustrated because you aren't getting the results you seek, look to where you can adjust and focus on what makes you feel productive. This all sounds so appropriate for the year 2020, doesn't it?

This Virgo new moon is an excellent time to take small steps towards a healthier lifestyle or work routine. You may decide you need to go to bed a little earlier, begin a humble meditation practice, or start eating healthier. Perhaps you are seeking to increase your productivity by limiting social media or news intake.

All these small healthy adjustments will allow you to stay energized and positive during these coming difficult months.

Yes, the next couple months of 2020 don't look any easier than the rest! We have the difficult transits continuing that we've become accustom to, along with the next Mercury retrograde in October and the upcoming U.S. election. During the three weeks leading up to the U.S. election, Mercury will be retrograde. Yes, there will indeed be confusion and mishaps leading up to election day. Not that we need astrology to tell us that! I'll save more discussion on that for next month.

The Virgo new moon is an excellent opportunity to freshen ourselves and begin much needed positive momentum. As we move into the Fall Equinox, take a moment to reflect on what healthy adjustments you can make to your life.

New Moon in Leo: A major solar reboot.

Suzy OlsenComment
leo new moon

The new lunar cycle is less about the Moon and more about the Sun. Why is that? The Sun is most powerful in the sign of fiery Leo and Mercury happens to be 'cazimi' just one day before the new moon (yesterday). Cazimi is an ancient astrological term for when a planet is briefly 'conjunct' to the same degree as the sun. Mercury is receiving special status at the seat of the solar throne today, and this allows us to find extreme clarity and a fresh start of some kind. I often think of 'cazimi' as a fire cleansing ritual, and this creates an extreme reboot for the affected planet. All the past residue and baggage is burned away so that we may move forward with clearer intentions. As we move into this next cycle, the sun grants us a renewed sense of purpose and a fresh start.

Today at 7:41PM PT, the new moon occurs in Leo. As the light of the moon grows dark, the sun remains powerful this time of year. A renewed Mercury leads the way for the moon and the mighty Leo sun. This planetary blend is invigorating and will beckon us to try something bold. If you have been feeling in a rut over these past few months, this new moon will likely trigger some inspiration and a stronger sense of purpose. Leo is the fixed fire sign and holds a particular steady nature. Like the hot coals at the bottom of a fire, Leo energy burns steadily through the night. What we begin now has the potential to 'warm us' for a long time to come. 

With a trine from Mars, the flames of Leo are further stoked. Despite any present challenges, we are likely to feel extra vigor and enthusiasm around what could be. In fact, the challenges or restrictions may be what finally inspire us to pursue a goal. It could be time to finally break through a barrier or two that has been holding you back. 

As with any dark new moon, however, we must pause to digest and ponder before taking any bold action.  In order to truly tap into this positive Leo energy, we should consider where our passion lies. What lights you up all day long and most allows you to feel at your 'core self'? This inner light provides strength to overcome difficulties and the ups and downs of life. To truly hold onto this light, we must also hold true humility. Leo rules the heart, and we are called to pursue honorable endeavors that are pure of heart (not our ego). If we pursue our ego, we will be missing an opportunity.

On Wednesday, Mercury comes home to task master Virgo. Mercury has a first class ride in Virgo until September 4th, where it is able to accomplish so many tasks. This will be a great period for editing or improving your work, schedule, health or any area that could use refinement. For a personal example, I will be using this time to update Chariot's retail hours and website. If you are a writer, this will be an especially good time for working on projects or making revisions. August 19th presents a good time to begin a 'Mercury' task or project, as the star Regulus will be amplifying the planet's power to its greatest heights. 

Just now I pulled a single card to give an extra message about this new moon. I was surprised at first to see The Hanged Man appear, as I don't associate him with an auspicious new beginning. But quickly I realized the Hanged Man is referencing the fire ritual nature of the Leo Mercury cazimi. In any fire ritual, a person is asked to make an offering or sacrifice to the fire in order to be reborn. The flames quickly eat up the offering, only leaving the ashes and smoke on the wind. As we initiate this Leo 'reboot' we are asked to release and let go of what is holding us back. We must first let go of the past before welcoming our future. This may be a difficult task for some folks, as letting go can be a painful process at first. If you are planning a new moon ritual tomorrow, you may want to literally burn an offering. This could simply be writing some words on a piece of paper of what you want to release or deeply renew. (Make sure to do this in a safe non-flammable environment! I've had my array of fire ritual mishaps in the past.) 

Happy new moon!


Cancer New Moon 2020

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

Shell photo by Alice B. Gardens.

Tomorrow we welcome the second lunar cycle in Cancer in a row; a rare but not unusual occurrence. At 10:32AM PT on July 20th, the moon and sun will join in the late degrees of the sign of the crab. One month ago, we experienced the summer solstice and major solar eclipse in the very early degrees of Cancer. Eclipses tend to rock our world and bring all sorts of turbulence. As we move into this next lunar cycle, we will actively be responding to the turbulence and looking to create new ways of living in order to survive or thrive in our current environment.

I’m so relieved to leave the eclipse season and the recent Mercury/Venus retrograde cycles, though we have learned so much from these experiences. We have been through a lot; I cannot emphasize this enough! At the start of this lunar cycle, we stand in a place of sober reality. Each of us have peeled away various layers of illusions, and hopefully we have a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

The new moon is receiving a direct opposition from Saturn, who has newly returned to the sign of Capricorn. We may feel more restrictions and stricter boundaries surrounding us, but we are likely to feel prepared to work with these challenges in realistic ways. All new moons are new beginnings which welcome growth, regardless of any stark realities we are facing. With our illusions stripped away, we are empowered to move forward with strength and sensitivity.

Saturn’s opposition can also be a sign we are finally ready to let go of a particular chapter of our lives. If you have been putting a lot of energy and resources into something (or someone) you no longer feel passionate about it, you may be feeling ready to finally make a shift towards a more authentic path. Pay attention to when you feel emotionally drained or depressed.

We might not readily perceive the sign of Cancer as creative, but as a ‘cardinal’ water sign she is the ultimate creator. Cancer is the sign of the fertile mother who is a constant resource of love and care. She births new life from her divine womb and promises new beginnings. With her hard shell exterior, she protects what is vital and most vulnerable.

When I picture this lunar cycle playing out over the following weeks, I see a devout mother coming up with creative solutions in tough situations. True creativity comes from having great boundaries. Creative solutions are birthed through restriction. We all entered this crazy beautiful world through great pressure and a woman in labor.

The card I pulled for this new moon is the 10 of Pentacles, and I’m reminded of the importance of family and tradition to the sign of Cancer. This tarot card represents a supportive family or family-like unit that carries long-standing traditions and a firm structure. As we move through the next few weeks, we are promised the opportunity to create new ways to connect with family and ancestors, gain support or create stable prosperity. This would be a great time to start a new family or group tradition.

Here are a few ways to further your connection with this Cancer new moon:

  • Identify a part of your life that may no longer be supporting you and perhaps feels like it’s holding you back. Feeling ‘emotionally drained’ is a key sign at this time.

  • Identify any road-blocks in your life. How can you shift away from what is not working and prioritize other opportunities? Let your creativity blossom.

  • Cancer is the sign of the nurturer. Seek opportunities to nurture or heal others, as well as yourself.

  • If you need extra support of some kind, consider reaching out to your family or family like structures.

  • The most sensitive sign of the zodiac is Cancer. If you identify with this, how can you treat your sensitivity like a strength (rather than a weakness)?

  • Allow yourself to truly feel your emotions and process them fully. This may be a period of ‘waking up’ on an emotional level.

  • Begin a new ‘family’ tradition of some kind that creates joy and connection.

Happy new moon!


astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Artwork created by Devany Amber Wolfe (Serpentfire).

Artwork created by Devany Amber Wolfe (Serpentfire).

Greetings friends,

The sun is shining and summer is finally upon us. As we leave the spring season, I am in awe of all that has happened in a short period of time. On a collective level, these past few months have been some of the most turbulent times in our lives. I knew the year 2020 was going to be an big turning point for humanity, but I couldn’t have realized how much so.

Change and transformation are still on the horizon as we enter Cancer season and the Summer Solstice. On June 20th at 11:41PM PT, a major solar eclipse will occur at 0 degrees Cancer. On the longest day of the year of maximum light, the sun is completely blotted out leaving us in darkness. This is the very last eclipse in Cancer, after a series of eclipses over the past year and a half or so. We are wrapping up a chapter in our lives, and it is going out with a bang! As we release and let go of this closing chapter, we are welcoming a great new beginning in our lives.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic many folks are now forced to close businesses, make job changes, and relocate their families. Eclipses often bring necessary change, but it can come with a dose of urgency and turbulence. For some, these changes are welcome and exciting. For others, the changes are more burdensome and challenging. A major eclipse like this will play out over the next six months, but we will likely experience some big shifts right away.

Back on January 10th, we had our last Cancer eclipse. Just two days later, we had the first known Coronavirus death. Six months later, here we are today. This upcoming eclipse is an excellent time for reflection on the past six months. What has changed for you? How have you evolved because of recent events? What is now clear for you that you must do in reaction to these changes? We have all come a long way since January!

Wherever Cancer is in your chart, there is bound to be in an influx of new energy. During this Cancer season as a whole, we may oscillate between embracing the new parts of our life and holding onto the old. Cancer is a sentimental sign, and seeks to protect and hold tightly to what it values. It is indeed important we honor our roots and our history, but we need not allow our past to define us. Cancer is also a deeply sensitive sign, and our emotional selves may feel heightened or extra vulnerable. If this is the case, be gentle with yourself and honor the self nurturing you require.

Mercury recently stationed retrograde in Cancer on June 17th..

..and will remain retrograde until July 12th. I have already been experiencing all the typical Mercury retrograde antics, including schedule mishaps, internet outages, and miscommunication galore. My advice always for any Mercury Rx is to be patient and to make sure that whatever message you are sending is solidly clear.

Being that we are in Cancer retrograde territory, we may feel a strong pull to look backward before we move forward. Cancer rules the family, and this could be an excellent time for you to research family roots or reconnect with family members you have lost touch with. Because of the powerful racial justice movement we are in now, I have been doing some deep ancestral research around race issues. I have also been practicing and studying ways to promote healing in my ancestral lines due to racial harm or trauma. It has been eye opening for me in so many ways, and I’m grateful for the opportunity.

Cancer is symbolized by the crab, and often moves in a ‘sideways’ fashion rather than direct. This cautious approach, combined with Mercury retrograde, speaks to the need of moving slowly and gradually toward big change. The eclipse may bring powerful momentum in an area of life, but it would be good to heed caution before going all in. Towards the end of this Mercury retrograde cycle, we may realize that our plans must adjust or shift. Remember to listen to your intuition — that inner voice that guides you step by step.

As with any solar eclipse, I would advise treating this time differently than a typical ‘new moon’. Here are some suggestions for how to work with the Cancer eclipse energy during this summer solstice:

  • Research your family tree or ancestral lineage.

  • Reconnect with your family and loved ones.

  • Process any turbulent or intense feelings through writing, a creative project or therapy.

  • Take a break from technology and news sources, and give yourself some time and space for quiet reflection.

  • Take a salt bath.

  • Visit a nearby body of water.

  • Nurture yourself.

Wishing you all the summer solstice blessings!


astrologySuzy Olsen
Sagittarius eclipse

Eclipse season begins tomorrow with the penumbral lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. This is the first of three eclipses in a row, a rare occurrence, and it begins a brand new eclipse cycle that will last for 1.5 years. Though the eclipse itself is ‘weak’ it is still intense! Because we are entering a whole new cycle of eclipses, I felt called to give what wisdom I have around this subject of astrology. As we lead up to this eclipse (that occurs at 12:12PM PT tomorrow Friday, June 5th), there are key strategies to work with this particular intense energy. 


You don’t need an astrologer to tell you that this is a monumental time of change; I’m sure you already know that. What I do want to inform you of is how to work with this eclipse and safeguard yourself from its potential harmful influences. I wouldn’t call myself an eclipse expert, but I have learned some things over the years and I see a lot of misinformation out in the world. At this time, especially if you are protesting and feel vulnerable, you may find this information useful.


The lunar eclipse will culminate at the center of Sagittarius, where the Moon and South Node will co-mingle from a distance (the South Node at 29 deg.). Sagittarius, the noble archer, is the sign of mutable fire. This eclipse is triggering the wildfires of our soul. As the fires shift and burn hot, the path may be difficult to predict or control at this time. A crisis may bring change to your personal spirituality, higher understanding, faith and the pursuit of ideals. How you approach these areas of your life is likely to evolve in new ways over the next year or so. 


The South node, otherwise known as ‘Ketu’, acts as a release point in the chart. A south nodal eclipse can strip away stability in our lives, causing energetic disturbances, and delivering a karmic message. Thus, we cannot work with the lunar eclipse in the same way we would with a regular full moon. With a typical full moon we celebrate growth and abundance, but with Ketu we take an austere approach. Ketu is all about ‘spiritual growth’ and finding happiness from living a less materialistic focused lifestyle. If you’ve ever experienced that feeling of pure contentment from a deep meditation, you are tapping into this Ketu energy. 


As we approach the eclipse tomorrow, I would suggest focusing on the condition of your spiritual life and where you hope to find clarity. On a positive note, the lunar eclipse can help you to radically purify an area of your life -- thus presenting a more meaningful path for you. All of us have an opportunity to cleanse our minds and hearts of negativity and delusion. If you are wanting to tap in more directly, you should consider what house Sagittarius rules in your chart and if you have any planets there. As always, you can also reach out to me to schedule a reading for more precise and personal insights. 


I recently did an exercise, prompted by a Sagittarius friend of mine, where we wrote down a few of the most successful and happy people in our life that we knew personally. This was eye opening for me, as I realized every person on my list had a strong spiritual foundation of some kind. In our culture, we are pressured into thinking that success is only found by a narrowly defined path: getting a well paying job at a big corporation, getting married and having a couple kids. There is nothing wrong with these things, but they don't ensure any kind of real substantial happiness.

Here is a list of ways to work with the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse:

  • Your energies may be down at this time, give yourself lots of time for rest. 

  • Perform an energetic cleansing of your home and personal spaces. You can use whatever tools you prefer, such as sage or salt water. 

  • Fasting (only if this is something you are accustomed to). You can also benefit by eating simple, healthy and small meals. In other words, don’t overindulge in consuming bad foods or drinking. 

  • Take an epsom salt bath. You can do this the night before the eclipse and the day of the eclipse. 

  • Wear an activated black charcoal mask or consume safely in a drink/smoothie. 

  • Drink lots of water. The idea is to help flush out the toxins in a healthy manner.

  • Clean your home and altar(s). This is also a great time for de-cluttering and purging items in your space. 

  • Meditation. 

  • Perform a ritual for banishing, cord-cutting, or releasing of some kind (only do this if you are very experienced in the method). I recommend burning incense and lighting a candle. 

  • Finish up a project that you would like to be done with! This can be a great way to release negativity and make room for new energy. 

  • DONATE to a cause that supports and defends BIPOC against racial injustices (releasing your money to a greater cause to do noble work). Here is a list of suggested organizations: LINK

tarot spread

If you feel you need a little extra guidance, I’ve designed a little Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse tarot spread:

  1. What will help me to clear negativity from my heart and mind?

  2. What is being released or purified for myself with this eclipse?

  3. What clarity or truth is coming forward?

  4. How will my spiritual path be shifting in the future?


astrologySuzy Olsen
gemini new moon

Greetings dear ones,

This Thursday, on May 22nd at 10:38AM PT, the moon joins the sun in the sign of the Cosmic Twins. Brimming with curiosity, this airy Gemini season is offering us plenty of opportunities to get in touch with our creative and our most playful sides. Around the time of the new moon, both Venus and Mercury are coupled together in Gemini -- like a pair of fraternal twins. These two planets make an auspicious pair and inspire intrigue towards ornate story-telling and the combination of high-tech and beauty. 

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, entered Gemini way back on April 4th. Mercury entered its home sign of Gemini on May 12th. As these two conjoin just hours before the new moon, Mercury is lending a helping hand to what is now a retrograde Venus. During this Venus retrograde, we are exploring certain areas of life where we feel discontentment or unhappiness. Mercury helps to bring clarity to the disharmony that we feel, and perhaps shows us a solution to a problem.

If retrograde Venus is digging up relationship issues for you, as it often does, you may find yourself effectively able to voice a concern or communicate needs to another. Outside of relationships, this may be a time to explore ways to improve your creative endeavors with new technology or ways of communicating. It's perhaps also important to mention that the season of Gemini is not about being overly serious! This mercurial sign knows how to have fun and keep things light.

All this Gemini business may be sounding well and good, but we do have some complications in the mix. Neptune in Pisces is in an exact square to this Mercury-Venus combo. It's as if all the insights we are gaining from Mercury are being clouded by outside interference, and this may keep us from seeing the full picture. This lack of clarity from Neptune is a bit like having our head in the clouds, and bends us towards fantasy rather than reality. Though we may be coming up with excellent ideas around this new moon, it could be that we have rather too many plans to give us one clear path forward. Or perhaps our plans are a bit too far reaching at this moment, and one simple idea is over complicated by excessive daydreaming.

The advice for how to work with the cloudy Neptunian energy is partially inspired by the I Ching today. Hexagram #9, known as 'Small Influences', comes forward to let us know that subtle and small actions are more powerful than grand ones during this lunar cycle. By using our intuition, we can chart a long term course and take steady steps towards reaching a goal. The Mercury-Venus energy allows us to be persuasive, gentle, and effective when working with others. Our partnerships can blossom through cooperation and acknowledging the complimentary strengths in one another. 

Though our cosmic downloads may be in overdrive (and feel overwhelming right now), our intuition is especially strong at this new moon. As the moon empties of all its light, the moon passes over the enchanting Pleiades constellation -- also known as the seven sisters. This grouping of stars is both powerful and subtle. The Pleiades is gently empowering the new moon and ourselves to tap into our third eye and to strengthen our imagination. In order to really engage this 'gift' from the stars, we must be able to tune out the 'noise' and embrace the quiet.

In summary, this new lunar cycle is potent for gaining insights, making plans, and gently expressing our creative and playful sides. Both Mars and Neptune in Pisces present challenges, as we reach for what we don't yet know or fully understand. The temptation to move forward with full gusto may be tempting but foolhardy! If we move gently and listen to our intuition, however, we can focus our attention on what is most valuable for shaping our desired futures. 

Here are few suggestions for how to work with this Gemini lunar cycle and tune into your third eye -- written by sign. For best accuracy, go by your rising/ascendant sign. If you don't know your rising sign, you can calculate this online or receive more information in a chart consultation reading with me.   

You are likely busy these days, but are you fulfilled? Practice free-form writing to get all those thoughts outside of your head. Or exercise your mind by taking an interesting workshop of some kind. 

Consider what you value most in your life, and how you can make room to attract more. Positive thinking brings prosperity to you, but be cautious about overspending. 

This period is amplifying your mind-body connection. Spend time moving your body with strength and intention -- a yoga, ballet or tai chi type practice. Focusing your body will help to focus your mind. 

One word: meditate! This lunar cycle may have you doubting yourself, but get quiet and trust your intuitive source. Your inner high priestess is calling. 

Sometimes you need a break from the limelight to re-energize your creative self, and this may be that time. Take some quality time for yourself or reach out to an old friend to reconnect. 

This period may have you evaluating your career goals, but try not to over analyze things. Talking things over with friends will help you sort out your thoughts and feelings. Positive momentum is coming.

This is a great time to connect with a guru or spiritual teacher. If your faith or spirituality is shifting, know that clarity will eventually come if you are patient and open.

You may be questioning a joint asset or co-ownership of some kind. Various forms of therapy or counseling may be helpful for getting at the true heart of the matter. At the end of the day, trust yourself to make the right decision. 

Something regarding a relationship is likely on your mind. Take time getting clear with yourself first, and talk it over with your partner. Your partner will likely have much to discuss. 

You may be feeling inspired to improve your health routine with better eating and exercise habits. Take it one step at a time and keep it simple! Think about including a mindfulness practice of some kind in your health routine.

Creativity is brewing this season! If you have been feeling bored and lackluster, get in touch with your 2nd chakra. What do you desire and what would give you the most pleasure right now? Take steps towards bringing in more creativity and giving yourself pleasure, however you see fit.

You may be desiring to connect with family or to make amends with a particular family member. Or you may be simply feeling unhappy about the condition of your home. Either way, this is a good time to take small steps to improving family relations and beautifying your home. Use your creativity to reflect your personality into your home somehow. 

Happy new moon!


astrologySuzy Olsen
taurus new moon - email.jpg

Greetings dear ones,

The new moon arrives this Wednesday at 7:25PM PT, and we can officially welcome Taurus season! Despite the seasonal allergies,  I am partial to this time of year. We are amidst the full bloom of spring, and enjoying the beauty of this Venus ruled sign.

Spring is naturally a time of renewal and transformation, and this new moon especially highlights the urge to move toward new horizons. Uranus, the planet of liberation, is giving us a jolt in this new lunar cycle. Taurus is the sign of 'fixed earth' and seeks comfort and familiarity. The bull likes to take his time chewing the luscious grasses that surround him, and feels no rush to hurry to another pasture. Like a sudden wake up call (or cattle prod!), this new moon may be prodding us to move into unfamiliar territory.

Before we continue, let's cover some of the pandemic situation first...

COVID-19 Pandemic Situation:
This lunar cycle speaks loudly of 'tension' and a feeling of great restlessness. Uranus may bring a surprise situation that will require an emergency response of some kind. Many folks will be yearning for 'freedom' and the riots are likely to continue till there is a set plan in place.

Saturn in Aquarius is applying a 'superior square' to Uranus, and demands that we follow the rules. Saturn dictates that boundaries are not to be crossed, and any 'rebelling' against the social distancing rules will likely have ill effect at this time. The fixed star Altair is near Saturn, further strengthening the planet. All of this has a very strict military feel about it. Altair is a powerful star in the constellation of the Eagle, and empowers Saturn's ability to see the situation clearly and commit to a bold course of action.

Over the next month there will likely continue to be a rebellious attitude towards the government and the newly enforced structures. With whatever beliefs you have about this crisis, the wise advice I'm seeing is to not get swept up in the 'drama' at this time. Saturn rules the day and reflects this period as a time for necessary reserve and caution. 

My hope is that Saturn in Aquarius, though a bit severe, is serving the greater good in this situation and we will soon have a thorough plan of how to deal with the pandemic for the coming months. Saturn will station retrograde on May 10th and Mars will leave Aquarius by May 13th. Both of these transits are signs of the crisis and social distancing rules lessening. By no means does this mean life will return to 'normal' anytime soon, but we will have surpassed the apex of the crisis.

Now on a more personal level...
So how can we best utilize this new moon on a personal level? If you are feeling restless at this time, this energy can be used constructively in all sorts of 'Taurus' ways. We can either delve deep into the nurturing ways of Taurus, or we can be inspired to do something creative and productive. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so there is an affinity for all 'earthly' things beautiful, creative and pleasing. During this time, it is important we connect with what nurtures us and gives us pleasure. If there is a new 'self care' routine you would like to try at home, this new moon is an excellent time to start. 

The sign of the bull often gets labeled as 'lazy', but under the right circumstances Taurus natives are some of the hardest working people. I see this productivity come to Taurus folks when they are given a specific project or goal -- especially if it is a project they feel passionate about. Saturn's square to the new moon is applying a lot of pressure, which can be released through creative pursuits. Humans are known to be the most creative and innovative in times of pressure and confinement.

On April 26th, the sun will be conjunct Uranus. What makes you unique? What unique talents do you offer up to the world? From the pressures of the time, many people will be inspired to use their gifts in new ways. We may not be able to do our work 'as usual', but we can pivot, adjust, and use our talents in ways we never dreamed of previously. 

Because we are in a global crisis, many of us will be called to use our skills in new ways to serve others. If you are feeling melancholy or stuck, a great remedy is finding ways to be useful to those in need. Making masks for others is a great example, and we are sure to see a lot more creativity coming forward in the next few weeks!

Taurus New Moon 2020 Manifestations:
In summary, here are some suggestions for how to work with the Taurus New Moon cycle... 

  • Find ways to stay calm and steady in times of heightened tension.

  • Recognize your unique gifts, and use them creatively in exciting new ways.

  • Discover ways to nurture yourself and others.

  • Eat good food and try some new recipes! 

  • Begin a new creative project. Make something. 

  • Follow a structured PLAN but pivot if you need to. 

  • Take naps.

  • Look for new ways to bring prosperity and stability into your life. 

During a time of great uncertainty, deep resiliency grows within each of us. We are learning how to be more independent than ever, while accessing new skills to remain happy and healthy. Wishing you all good health and blessings for Taurus season.

Happy new moon!

The New Moon in Aries + Saturn enters Aquarius

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
aries new moon

Greetings dear ones,

This has been an eventful past week, hasn't it? Each day and each hour has brought new information, and the reality of the severity of the situation gradually sets in. Most of us around the planet have been affected by the pandemic in one way or another. Plans have been canceled, jobs lost, freedoms restricted, and many lives put in jeopardy. All of this happened while leading up to one of the most beautiful times of the year: the spring equinox.

Through all the heaviness of the Capricorn transits, the planet Venus has been a savior during these difficult times. Venus entered the sign of Taurus on March 4th, where she will remain until April 4th. She is very much at home in this earth sign, and often offers us refuge with good food, cozy homes, and beautiful nature. If you are feeling fearful right now, which many of us are, you can look to Venus for comfort. Venus shows us how to nurture ourselves and others with beauty and pleasure, and no one knows how to do this better than the sign of Taurus.

The spring equinox arrived the evening of the 20th, and the next day Saturn made a major leap into a new sign -- from Capricorn to Aquarius. Since the end of 2017, Saturn has been slowly moving through the sign of Capricorn. As Saturn neared Pluto this year, we began to experience many of the foretold 'challenging' experiences. Pluto represents shadows, fears, transformations, and what is hidden deep away. Saturn creates restrictions and boundaries. The combination of these two planets, along with Jupiter and Mars, have unearthed many of the shadows we are experiencing now. I knew this year would be difficult, but I had no idea it would be like this. 

The year 2020 is a deeply transformational period, and one with plenty of growing pains. Saturn's role in this transformation is pivotal, as Saturn has great strength in both Capricorn and Aquarius. As we look to the changes Saturn will continue to bring, we have to think long term. Saturn recognizes that sacrifices must be made, along with lots of hard work, in order to arrive at any worthwhile goal. Additionally, Saturn knows that big changes take time to fully develop. 

Saturn in Aquarius is the ultimate reformer, and looks for how we make the necessary improvements in our society that benefit us all. This is my hope for the long term view of this transit. The sign of Aquarius understands that the rules need to change. The inequality that exists among humans, animals and all beings is not sustainable.

After a retrograde period, Saturn will return to Capricorn on July 2nd. Not until this December, will Saturn return to Aquarius again. Then on Winter Solstice, Saturn and Jupiter will meet in the sign of Aquarius. This is known as the 'GREAT CONJUNCTION', and it is as major as it sounds! We will officially begin a new 20 year cycle, and a new 200 year 'air cycle' as well. A new era begins. I will be following up with more information on this later. 

So what can we expect in the coming weeks, you may ask? Well, let's start with the Aries new moon, which occurs in the early morning on March 24th. This particular new moon can be an excellent re-start button, and a time where we go deep within to seek inspiration. The beginning of Aries season is a time of renewal and a time to begin new projects. 

The last part of March and the first part of April look to continue to test our strength in the pandemic situation. On March 31st, Mars joins Saturn in an exact conjunction that squares Uranus. This is likely to be a very challenging time in particular, which we will feel the days leading up to it and afterwards. This transit reflects more restrictions on our movements, likely because of a continued increase in the spread of the virus. I'm guessing this is no surprise to any of you at this point. Mars has a 'martial' attitude as it joins Saturn in creating more boundaries, which threatens the freedom seeking Uranus. 

On April 4th, we have the Jupiter - Pluto conjunction. I discussed this in my last newsletter/blog, and you can refer back to that for more details. In general, it looks like all of these heavy transits are playing out in late March and early April. The destabilization and fear is likely to be at its peak, and then we can welcome in some much desired stability. On May 11th, Saturn will station retrograde. I'm hopeful this will mean the fierce borders and regulations will lessen or subside. This looks to be a 'cooling off' period. In no way am I saying the pandemic will be over, but everything points to improvements at this time.

In the previous newsletter, I mentioned the Temperance card as a powerful message for this time. This card continues to show up in almost every reading I do for myself and others. Sometimes a card will show up like this if there is an underlying message that is trying to make itself known. In this case, the message is addressed to us all.

As I was driving back to my house this Friday, I was meditating on this card. I understand that Temperance means we should be kind to ourselves and others, and remain calm in the face of difficulty. But what else? As I was pondering this, I hear Jane Goodall speak on NPR. You can listen to her interview hereShe spoke of the imbalance in our world and the consequences that has on conservation. We cannot rely on an economy to continue to endlessly grow, when the earth's resources are finite. If allowed, large corporate greed will eventually tap our resources, and that will be the true tragedy for our planet and our species. Not to mention. the stark disparity that currently exists between those who have access to resources and those who do not.

The Temperance card showing up at this time, I believe, is reflecting our collective need to find harmony and balance with our relationship to mother earth. How do we truly live sustainably and how do we support one another? We have a long way to go, but I am hopeful that this is the way we are going. Whether we can see it yet or not, a great transformation is taking place that future generations will see fully unfold. Jane Goodall mentions how eager young people are to work on conservation.

Further, I believe the Temperance card is reflecting our collective need to attune to spirit. In any difficult period, a spiritual practice can offer us strength. In more traditional tarot artwork, the Archangel Michael is depicted. This angel's message is: be self-loving, have faith, and stay dedicated to your personal truth.  If you treat yourself and your situation as you'd want to be treated, profound transformation and great healing will occur.

Often times when I see the Temperance card, I'm reminded we are not alone. Like a guardian angel, we are supported in so many ways unseen. I want you to know, I also support you at this time.

Happy new moon! And wishing you all good health and blessings. 

Spirit + Home,